Bengaluru: As many as 11 people were killed and 80 were hospitalised on Friday after consuming contaminated Prasad at a temple in Sulivadi village in Karnataka’s Chamarajnagar district. The deceased include a girl and a woman. According to a report by news agency PTI, condition of 12 people was critical as they were rushed to Mysuru for treatment. Initial speculation of the district health department suggests that poison might have got mixed with the prasad. “One child died at the government hospital at Ramapura, two each at GH hospitals at Kamageri and Kolegal, three at the KP Hospital and one at KRH Hospital,” said Suresh Shastry,Joint Director, Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services.

According to police, several devotees started vomiting and experienced immediate stomach pain after consuming the prasad. The commotion prevailed as people hurried to nearby hospitals for treatment. Two people from the temple have been detained by the police for questioning.

The Karnataka government, headed by CM HD Kumaraswamy, has announced an ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakh to kin of deceased while medical treatment and other facilities would be provided to those who took ill in the incident.

Kumaraswamy flew to Chamarajnagar by special plane from Belagavi. He said he has directed the authorities to make all arrangements for those affected and that government would bear the medical expenses. In view of the shortage of ambulances in Chamarajanagar district, 32 ambulances have been rushed from Mysuru," the chief minister said.

District Health Officer Prasad said it was suspected that poison might have got mixed with the prasad, resulting in the tragic incident. “We have collected the food samples and sent it to a laboratory for investigation,” he told reporters.

According to police, the foundation laying ceremony of Maramma temple was organised Friday morning and prasad was distributed after the function. It is also being said that most of those who attended the event followed the 'Om Shakti' tradition. Some of the affected people said they got the smell of kerosene oil in the prasad, but ignored it.