New Delhi: Hours after India achieved a 100 crore Covid-19 vaccination milestone and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to the nation congratulating citizens, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Friday criticised the Centre saying that the feat could have been achieved six months ago if the Modi government had not exported vaccines and made adequate arrangements.

AAP's second-in-command and Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manisha Sisodia lashed out at Union government and accused it of exporting vaccines to revel in praise. 

"While celebration the 100 crore vaccine milestone, we must remember that if the central government made adequate arrangements in time and not invested in public relation activities, such as exporting doses when India was facing a shortage, then the medical teams across the country could have achieved the milestone at least six months ago," Sisodia said in a tweet written in Hindi.

Sisodia's remarks came after India administered its billionth Coronavirus vaccine on Thursday, a benchmark that PM Modi said is a triumph of Indian science, enterprise and collective spirit of 130 crore Indians.

"India scripts history. We are witnessing the triumph of Indian science, enterprise and collective spirit of 130 crore Indians. Congrats India on crossing 100 crore vaccinations. Gratitude to our doctors, nurses and all those who worked to achieve this feat. #VaccineCentury," PM tweeted.

The significant feat was achieved in nearly 10 months of the beginning of country's vaccination drive on January 16 which Sisodia said could have been completed six months ago.

According to the Health Ministry, around 22 per cent of Indians are fully vaccinated while 53 per cent have received at least one dose of the vaccine.