New Delhi: Star gazers, get excited and just get out of your homes and offices today! A rare celestial phenomenon is occuring today as blue moon, supermoon and blood moon coincide on a total lunar eclipse day. This is the first 'Super Blue Blood Moon' (Supermoon) total eclipse in 150 years.

India is witnessing the Blood Moon after nearly 36 years -the last one was in 1982.

And it's happening now. Here's all you need to know

  • This super blue blood moon began today around 4:21 pm and will last until 8:42 pm (all Indian Standard Time).

  • Northeastern India will be the first to witness the lunar eclipse, between 4.21pm and 5.18pm  and the rest of the country can see this Super Blue Blood Moon between 5.18pm and 6.21pm.

  • The moon will appear 14% closer to the earth and 30% brighter and you can watch this phenomenon with the naked eye.

  • You can safely eat and drink during this phenomenon.

  • After today, the total lunar eclipses will be on December 31, 2028, and, after that, on January 31, 2037.


Where to watch total lunar eclipse live stream

You can enjoy the total lunar eclipse of 2018 with a live stream. NASA will begin its live stream on NASA 5:30am EST (4pm IST). There's a web stream also available at