South Korean tech giant Samsung on Tuesday launched its much-awaited Galaxy A7 with triple rear cameras for Rs 23,990 in blue, black and gold colours. The new model was launched in South Korea earlier this month and has made its debut in India with an exclusively availability on e-commerce plaform Flipkart, Samsung e-Shop and at Samsung Opera House in Bengaluru. Galaxy A7 will go on its first sale on September 27 and September 28. According to a report by news agency IANS, the smartphone will be available for sale in over 180,000 outlets by the end of this month. The all new Galaxy A7 comes with a 24MP main + 5MP live focus + 8MP ultra-wide sensors at the rear and a 24 MP selfie shooter. The smartphone also sports a 6.0-inch FHD+ super AMOLED Infinity Display and also is equipped with Dolby Atmos immersive sound technology that brings HD content to life.
“We are expecting to disrupt the market and gain significant share specifically in our 'A Series'. So this is the first triple camera phone that we are bringing to the market which we have not even launched in our flagship segment but the whole idea is to really expand this series,” Mohandeep Singh, Senior Vice President, Mobile Business, Samsung India told IANS.
The retailing price of Samsung Galaxy A7 in India starts at Rs 23,990 for the base 64GB storage variant and Rs 28,990 for the 128GB version. The newly launched smartphon is Samsung’s first device to support triple cameras at the back and comes with a fingerprint sensor on the side, instead of being placed at the back of the phone.
Samsung Galaxy A7 Product Specifications:
(Image: Samsung Website)
The company stated that it has also added AR Emoji feature similar to the one on selfie camera of S9 and Note series. These Emojis are similar to Apple's animoji and will scan users facial expression to create a corresponding AR emoji. The front camera of Galaxy A7 is 24MP with a sharp LED flash light.
Samsung Galaxy A7 launched in India, starting price set at Rs 23,990; Here's how to get one
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
25 Sep 2018 02:53 PM (IST)
South Korean tech giant Samsung on Tuesday launched its much-awaited Galaxy A7 with triple rear cameras for Rs 23,990 in blue, black and gold colours.
The all new Galaxy A7 comes with a 24MP main + 5MP live focus + 8MP ultra-wide sensors at the rear and a 24 MP selfie shooter. (Image: Samsung Website)
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