Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur has become a victim of cybercrime as hackers managed to gain access of his email account and sent fraudulent emails asking people to donate money for a Covid-19 fund. ALSO READ | West Bengal: Senior CPI(M) Leader Shyamal Chakrabarty Dies Of Heart Attack, Was Covid-19 Positive

Police are investigating the matter and have found out that a Nigerian cyber gang is behind taking over the CM's email account to defraud people.

The Director-General of Police Sanjay Kundu informed about that the matter, revealing that with the help of Google's team, they were able to find out about the gang behind this cyberattack. Further investigation is underway.

About 40 to 50 people were sent these emails but fortunately, none of the recipients reported having lost money due to this incident.

Director-General of Police further revealed that incidents of such cybercrime have increased in Himachal Pradesh. He added that the number of cases in 7 months has already equaled the total cases that were reported last year.

As cases of hacking and similar cyberattacks increase worldwide with a giant like Twitter having fallen victim, users are adviced to be cautious about such phishing attempts that lure them to send money to an unknown account.

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