New Delhi: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is using his meme fame and putting it to good use. He turned the viral photo into merchandise which will help raise money for charity. The Vermont senator has used the photo and turned it into sweatshirts and tshirts, proceeds from which will go to ‘Meal on Wheels’ Vermont, a program which home delivers meals to people who can’t prepare their own.

During the inauguration day, senator Sanders was wearing a green jacket and handknit mittens. The mittens, he told Seth Meyers in an interview during ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ were a gift and the woman who made them also received a lot of requests which she turned down. The photo of a cozy Sanders circulated like wild fire and quickly was turned into works of art and other meme-worthy backdrops. Sanders acknowledged that he had seen the meme during the interview.

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Sanders’ campaign has decided to use the photo for good - by printing it on a black crewneck sweatshirt and selling it for $45 a piece. The sweatshirt was quickly sold out, and the website reads -  “Due to overwhelming demand for this item, it will be three to six weeks until you receive your sweatshirt.”

The senator’s choice to embrace his fame, for a good cause, has earned him praise on Twitter.