Thane Police, earlier this month, seized 20 tonnes of ephedrine from a Solapur factory. The case concerns Mamta’s prime role in her husband's alleged drug syndicate.
Police have so far arrested eight persons, including a Nigerian national, and the total worth of the seized drugs is around Rs 2,500 crore in the international market. During investigation the police found the alleged kingpin of the racket to be Goswami.
Here are the excerpts from the interview:
Sheela: Which part of Maharashtra you hail from?
Mamta: I am born and brought up in Mumbai. I am from Mumbai.
Sheela: Thane police has named Vicky and you in a dug scam busted in Maharashtra yesterday..your comments?
Mamta: I read it too over the net. Believe you me, I first checked Google search about Ephedrine and acetic anhydride first as I had never heard the name or known about it. I gathered from the net that it is to do with cough syrup. That is medicine and not drug. So Thane police should check first what are they talking about.
Mamta: Same is for the medicine. i want to know that where do we come there in the picture..
Sheela: Do you know the company called Avon Lifesciences Limited office in Solapur MIDC or Manoj Jain, Punit Shringi and Pradeep Singh Gill?
Mamta: I don’t know anything about the company or the people that you just mentioned.
Sheela: Vicky has a well-known history of serious drug offences. In 1997, he was arrested for drug trafficking in Dubai and served 15 years in a prison there. In Mombasa he is currently facing fresh drug charges and is wanted by DEA, US and the Thane police for drug offences.
Mamta: You called me last time when he was detained by the Kenya police and said that US DEA was after him. But you see, he is already out and free.
Sheela: I understand Vicky is out on bail in the drug case and is facing extradition bid by the DEA to USA.
Mamta: Unlike what was said in media that Vicky had gone in for a long he is already out of jail.
Sheela: The Maharashtra police claimed that as Vicky cannot leave Kenya because of an Interpol notice against him, you carried out his business deals and there are some financial transactions related to the Solapur Company in your name .
Mamta: It is all rubbish and imaginary stories. There is not an iota of truth in what Thane police has claimed.
Sheela: If you visit India you would be detained in connection of the drug case.
Mamta: I will surely visit Thane police and ask them that what nonsense they have been spreading about me and Vicky. I would question them about the so called insiders they have been quoting in the media stories to spread lies about me and Vicky. I have nothing to do with drugs. In fact, I am so much against those selling drugs and responsible for ruining lives.