New Delhi: Twitter is abuzz with speculations of Congress social media wing Divya Spandana leaving the micro-blogging website as her account could not be found on the platform. A message reading “this account doesn’t exist” is displayed on visiting her account.
Before her official account disappeared, all the tweets from her official handle had apparently been deleted and her Twitter bio also did not mention her as head of social media, sparking conjectures on whether she has parted ways from the Congress, though, there was no official confirmation from either the Indian National Congress party or Spandana herself.
Apparently her Instagram account also could not be found, but her Facebook account is still there.
This comes days after she posted a congratulatory tweet to BJP leader Nirmala Sitharaman, for becoming the first woman finance minister since 1970, when Indira Gandhi held the portfolio.
Though, this could be a part of Congress's month-long ban on spokespersons appearing on television debates, the party declined any comment on Spandana's account being deleted.
On whether she has parted ways with the Congress's social media team after the party's poor performance in the national election, Spandana told ANI, "Your source is wrong".
Spandana has been credited with a turnaround of the Congress party's social media presence. BJP has a robust media cell and a strong online presence.
Congress was routed in the recent general elections with BJP-led NDA storming into power at the Centre.
After the drubbing, the Congress had officially announced that their leaders or members will not participate in discussions or telivision debates for at least a month.
Cong social media head Divya Spandana quits Twitter? Speculations rife as account appears deleted
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
02 Jun 2019 12:05 PM (IST)
Though, this could be a part of Congress's month-long ban on spokespersons appearing on television debates, the party declined any comment on Spandana's account being deleted.
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