In view of the grim situation caused by the devastating Assam floods, Robin Hood Army (RHA), a volunteer-based, zero-funds organization, launched a relief campaign to help the victims of flooding in the state. To raise public awareness about this, ABP Network partnered with RHA in its effort to serve the people of Assam and encourage more volunteers to join the social cause and help the victims.
The RHA group represents a humanitarian force composed of various members of the community, united around a single goal of helping communities.
Hitting the Assam border on June 13, 2022, a widespread flood has left a devastating trail through the location. RHA has since then been working on the ground to provide relief operations to those affected by the devastation by delivering them food and water along with other aid which would help them meet their social needs.
According to the reported data, more than 25 Lakh citizens have been affected by the floods and 120 people have died from the disaster. The RHA team, under the leadership of dedicated volunteers, is doing valuable work by consistently serving cooked meals to 20,000 affected families. It has provided bundles of grain to 3000 families. Approximately 5,000 litres of water have also been distributed by RHA as of now to those affected by the floods.
It's essential that the victims who have been affected by the floods receive help and resources from these organizations. RHA has organized an incredible operation, devoted to saving people's lives and ABP Network is proud to associate with them as the RHA community is supportive in countless ways.