New Delhi: Amid a fight between the ruling BJP and opposition parties over the issue of freebies, or "revdi culture", the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday launched an attack on the BJP government and said, "Where did all money of the centre go? They're forgiving loans of their friends with this govt money. They've even forgiven taxes of their billionaire friends."

"They brought Agnipath scheme saying they have no money for pensions. It has never happened since independence that the country is left with no money to pay pension to soldiers," Kejriwal said.

Referring to the Agnipath defence recruitment scheme, decrease in states' share in focal charges from 42% to 29 percent, Goods and Services Tax (GST) imposed on food items and 25 percent cut in MNREGA fund, Kejriwal asked where was all the cash going.

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"Centre has time & again repeated that they don't have money, have decreased money that was given to states. Tax being collected is much higher as compared to 2014 but they have no money. Where is the money going?" Kejriwal added.

Center gathers a huge amount of taxes, including Rs 3.5 lakh per annum on petrol and diesel, and was still against the move of providing people of the country free education, healthcare and other facilities, said Kejriwal.

"What has happened all of sudden that Centre is citing lack of funds even for paying pension to soldiers. There seems to be something wrong with its finances," he said.

He also alleged that the Centre waived Rs 10 lakh crore of loans and Rs 5 lakh crore of taxes of super-rich people and their companies.

(With PTI inputs)