With the new year around the corner, people are in hopes of positivity, successful vaccination drive and thus, getting rid of the novel Coronavirus pandemic which broke out earlier this year in the Wuhan city of China. However, it seems the worst is not yet over as the fear of new strain of the virus has been detected in several countries. According to the BBC report, the new strain of the virus has been detected in Australia, Denmark and the Netherlands. ALSO READ | Health Experts To Meet Today After Mutant Coronavirus Strain In UK Raises Alarm

Coronavirus Variant Triggers Alarm

Medical experts in the United Kingdom have reported that a mutation of the virus seems to speed its transmission. The British government on Saturday indicated that the new strain appeared to be spreading 70 per cent faster than the pervious variants. The viruses mutate constantly and scientists are being cautious regarding new mutations that may affect how the virus behaves.

In wake of the spread of mutant Coronavirus strain in UK, countries including Austria, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Germany, France and the Netherlands announced ban, with others expected to follow soon.

While the mutation has become a matter of concern, netizens have resorted to hilarious memes to lighten mood amid the pandemic. Check out the Twitter reactions here:

ALSO READ | UK Travel Ban: Countries Halt Travel From UK As New Coronavirus Variant Triggers Alarm | All You Need To Know