Reacting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address in Rajya Sabha, the Bharatiya Kisan Union spokesperson Rakesh Tikait on Monday said business over hunger will not be allowed in the country. ALSO READ | 'MSP Hai, MSP Tha Aur MSP Rahega': PM Modi In Rajya Sabha

Reiterating the farmers' demand of a law on minimum support price (MSP) for crops along with the repeal of new contentious agri-marketing laws, the farmers' leader Rakesh Tikait said that "there will not be business over hunger in the country. If hunger goes up, price of crops will be decided accordingly. Those wanting business over hunger will be driven out of the country.

Speaking in reference to PM Modi's appeal to shut the agitation and his remarks on MSP, Tikait said "Prime Minister said 'MSP hai, tha aur rahega' today but he did not say that a law will be formed on MSP. The country does not run on trust. It runs on the constitution and law. If such a law is formed, all the farmers of the country will be benefitted. Right now, there is no law on MSP and the farmers are looted by traders."

Tikait’s comments came hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi, earlier on Monday, assured that the minimum support price scheme will continue in India.

During his speech in the Upper House of Parliament, PM said MSP is there, MSP was there. MSP will remain in the future. Affordable ration for the poor will continue. Mandis will be modernised. For the welfare of the farmers, we need to rise above political calculations.

He further stressed that the Government is working for the small farmers. Farmers have got claim worth Rs 90,000 crore under PMFBY. Farmers also benefitted from Kisan Credit Card, Soil Health Card and Samman Nidhi.