New Delhi:  Union health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan has said that India may get the first Covid-19 vaccine shot in  any week of January. He also said that the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine is the main priority at present.

“Our first priority has been safety and effectiveness of vaccines. We don't want to compromise on that. I personally feel, maybe in any week of January, we can be in position to give first Covid vaccine shot to people of India,” the Union Health Minister was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

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Preparations in full swing for vaccine drive

Vardhan also said that both the Centre and the state government are preparing for the vaccination drive in the country.

“The Central government along with state governments has been making preparations at state, district and block levels for the past 4 months. We've formed task forces at state, district & block levels. Thousands of master trainers have been trained across the country. We've conducted training at state level & trained over 20,0 00 workers in about 260 districts,” said Vardhan.

The vaccine will be given to around 30 crore Indians at first which includes those who are in the high-risk category such as frontline workers.

"After consultation with experts, we've prioritized 30 crore people for Covid vaccine. It includes health workers, frontline workers like police, military & sanitation staff, people above 50 yrs & those who are below 50 yrs but are suffering from certain diseases," said Vardhan

He also added that India has crossed the worst part of the pandemic but there is still a need to be cautious.

“I feel that worst may probably be over, but with strong note of caution. We need to strictly follow Covid appropriate behaviour. We can't afford to relax so major tool against COVID will ultimately be masks, hand hygiene &physical distance,” said Vardhan.