New Delhi: The Chinese army, which is hatching a nefarious conspiracy in Ladakh, is building a huge bridge over the Pangong Lake. This will be the second bridge built on the Pangong Lake on the Chinese side, which will be used to transport heavy war vehicles like tanks, and armored vehicles very close to the Indian border, an open-source intelligence, Detresfa (Damin Simone) has revealed this through satellite images. China is building this second bridge at a time when the standoff in Ladakh has entered its third year. 

According to the report of The Print, the first bridge will be used as a service bridge for the construction of the second. The report quoted defense sources as saying that China is using the first bridge to install its cranes and bring other construction materials.

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The new bridge is right next to the bridge built earlier and is much bigger and wider than before. The source said that China's construction of the new bridge has been seen three weeks ago.

Now the route between Khurnak to Rudok has been reduced by 40 to 50 km from China's bridge. Pangong Lake is 135 km long and is surrounded by land on all sides. This lake extends from Ladakh to Tibet.

"The first bridge is being used by the Chinese to station their cranes and bring over other construction equipment. The new bridge, right next to it, is bigger and wider than the one they finished construction of in April this year," the source said. This means that the Chinese army wants to send not only its soldiers but also armed vehicles at the same speed.

The Chinese army is now building a road to connect these bridges with its military bases. China's effort is to prevent Indian troops from occupying the southern bank of Pangong Lake through several routes. On the other hand, India has said that there is no possibility of an attack on China's side but if it is so, it will be answered with full force.