After Chandrayaan-3 successfully soft landed on the Moon's south pole on Wednesday, several world leaders congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the success of the mission at the banquet dinner during the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. With the achievement, India becomes the first country to reach the south pole of Earth's only natural satellite. 

Members of the Indian diaspora were seen celebrating the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3, at Times Square in New York.

Celebrations broke out at ISRO's Mission Operations Complex in Bengaluru as the lander (Vikram), which carries a rover (Pragyan) in its belly, touched down near the south polar region of the Moon.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday called the Chandrayaan-3's soft landing on the Moon "historic" and said it sounded the bugle for a "developed India". Modi, who is in South Africa to attend the BRICS Summit, virtually witnessed the historic landing of Chandrayaan 3.

"We are witness to the new flight of new India. New history has been written. This is a moment to cherish forever. India is now on the moon," PM Modi said in opening remarks. PM Modi said the Moon mission was not just India's alone and the success belongs to all of humanity.

ALSO READ: After Chandrayaan-3 Softly Lands On Moon, ISRO Sets Eyes On The Aditya-L1 Solar Mission. All About It

Meanwhile, the Chandrayaan-3 Live Stream broke Spanish streamer Ibai’s World Record of 3.4 million viewers. Over 3.6 million people watched the Chandrayaan-3 Live Stream on YouTube, which is a new streaming world record on the platform.