New Delhi: In the wake of a pandemic, when researchers are scrambling to develop a vaccine or find a cure for a Covid 19, Union minister Arjun Ram Meghwal has claimed that papads can cure the infection. The video where the BJP MP from Bikaner is promoting ‘Bhabhi Ji Papad’ has gone viral in social media especially Twitter.  The tweet has been removed from the micro-blogging website as it violated the guidelines. Meghwal an MP for the Bharatiya Janata party is the Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. It seems he made the irresponsible and preposterous claims as way to promote locally produced goods and give a boost to Prime Ministers idea of 'Vocal for Local'.

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In the video, he can be heard saying "Under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat initiative, a papad manufacturer has come up with this product that will aid the formation of antibodies to fight the coronavirus. This papad will prove useful in the fight against coronavirus.”

The irresponsible act was soon picked up by Twitteratis and was the subject to a whole new set of memes.

Fake news and cures have laced since the cases of Coronavirus spread. According to MOHFW data, India has reached 12,87,945 so far and while social media channels are doing the best they can to curb the spread of fake claims it is also on people to stop the spread of such fake news.