New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history on Friday by becoming the first foreign Head of Government to receive Bhutan's highest civilian award, the 'Order of the Druk Gyalpo.' Bhutan's King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck awarded the ‘Order of the Druk Glyalpo’ to Prime Minister Modi.

On being conferred the award in Thimpu, Bhutan. PM Modi, said, "This honour is not my personal achievement, it is the honour of India and 140 crore Indians. I humbly accept this honour on behalf of all Indians in this great land of Bhutan and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for this honour", reported ANI.

In his address, PM Modi highlighted the deep-rooted connection between the two nations, stating, "The affinity between people of India and Bhutan makes our relationship unique." 

The expressed gratitude for the honour bestowed upon him, remarking, "As an Indian, it is a great day for me. You have honoured me with Bhutan's highest (civilian) award."

Reiterating the unwavering friendship between India and Bhutan, PM Modi stressed the importance of mutual cooperation and shared faith. He underscored the significance of the award as a symbol of the collective efforts and progress made by both nations. "This honour is not my personal achievement. This is an honour for India and 140 crore Indians," PM Modi asserted.

PM Modi also touched upon the rich cultural and spiritual heritage shared by India and Bhutan, citing the significance of Lord Buddha's teachings. He highlighted Bhutan's role in preserving the tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism and expressed admiration for the country's commitment to environmental sustainability.

The announcement for the honour was made by the King of Bhutan during the 114th National Day celebrations on December 17, 2021. On Friday, during his two-day state visit, Prime Minister Modi Gyalpo,' received it during marking his third visit to Bhutan since assuming office as Prime Minister in 2014, reported PTI. A statement from the Indian Embassy in 2021, when the announcement was made, said, “As per ranking and precedence established, the Order of the Druk Gyalpo was instituted as the decoration for lifetime achievement and is the pinnacle of the honor system in Bhutan, taking precedence over all orders, decorations and medals.” 

During his interactions with Bhutan's top leadership, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday reaffirmed India's unwavering commitment to supporting the Himalayan kingdom's development and that their unique bilateral ties would create avenues for greater cooperation in connectivity, infrastructure, trade and energy sectors.   

The two countries exchanged several MoUs and signed agreements in the fields of energy, trade, digital connectivity, space and agriculture, and finalised the MoU on the establishment of rail links between the two nations.

Notably, PM Modi met King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and held talks with Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay. Glad to have met His Majesty the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. We talked about ways to improve bilateral relations between our nations, Modi posted on X.

 During his recent visit to Bhutan, PM Modi expressed gratitude for the warm reception, emphasising the importance of the enduring friendship between India and Bhutan. His visit underscores India's commitment to its 'Neighbourhood First' Policy, aiming to solidify and deepen the unique bond shared with Bhutan.