Audi recently launched the Q7 Black Edition in India at Rs 82.15 lakh for the 45 TFSI and Rs 86.30 lakh for the 45 TDI (ex-showroom) variants. It commands a premium of Rs 1.02 lakh to Rs 1.05 lakh over the diesel and petrol Technology variants respectively. It will replace the previously offered Q7 Design Edition and will be limited to only 100 units. Here is a look at its pricing:

What you get in the limited edition is a bunch of cosmetic changes on the exterior. This includes gloss black finish on the front grille, the side intake air struts and the door trim strips. While the rear end gets a matte black treatment, a gloss black finish can be seen on the roof, roof rails, alloy wheels and side window frames.

The Black Edition is based on the top-spec Technology variants and Audi will be offering only 100 units to add to its exclusivity. It comes with both the 45 TDI and the 45 TFSI engine options. A 3.0-litre diesel unit is offered on the 45 TDI which churns out 248PS of max power and 600Nm of peak torque. Whereas, the 45 TFSI gets a 2.0-litre petrol engine that produces 248PS of power and 370Nm of torque. Both come coupled with an 8-speed automatic transmission and Audi’s quattro AWD system as standard.

Audi is offering all the notable features of the Technology variants in the Black Edition like an adaptive air suspension, a 12.3-inch Virtual Cockpit, Bose 3D sound system, MMI navigation, panoramic sunroof and more.

The Q7 Black Edition continues to go up against the likes of the Volvo XC90, BMW X5, Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Mercedes-Benz GLE.