New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said claimed a "Maha Vyapam scam" in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)- ruled Gujarat wherein question papers of the state government recruitment examinations have been leaked over years, as reported by news agency PTI. He also promised to bring a law against the paper leak with a provision of 10-year jail if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is voted to power in the Assembly elections, due later this year.
"Did anybody go to jail for leaking papers? They will now go to jail (when AAP forms a government). Madhya Pradesh had the 'Vyapam scam. In Gujarat, a 'Maha Vyapam scam' is going on," Kejriwal alleged while addressing a town hall meeting of youth at Bhavnagar on the second day of his two-day visit to Gujarat.
The Vyapam scam was an entrance examination, admission and recruitment scam uncovered in Madhya Pradesh, additionally governed by the BJP, in 2013. The scam is designated "Vyapam" which is the Hindi abbreviation of the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board.
"They made the CBI conduct raids on Manish Sisodia (Delhi Deputy CM) based on a false case even when he did nothing wrong, but no CBI raid was conducted against those involved in leaking the (government exam) papers (in Gujarat). Why? Because people behind the paper leak are their own," the AAP national convener asked.
Kejriwal listed a few instances of the paper leak that were accounted for in Gujarat starting around 2015 and asked whether the BJP government felt ashamed.
"They can't conduct exams, how will they run the government?" he asked.
Kejriwal promised stringent action against perpetrators if voted to power.
"If the AAP forms a government in Gujarat, it will come out with a law against the paper leak with a provision of 10 years jail. We will also reopen the paper leak cases after 2015. The inquiry will be conducted and all found guilty will be sent to jail. Beware of leaking the paper after December (elections)," he said.