Hyderabad: "Not a single death in the Third Wave should be recorded in Nellore district. The district administration should be vigilant, and the people should also take Covid precautions," Minister Anil Kumar Yadav said in a statement in the Covid review meeting on Tuesday.

However, Corona's death was reported in the district the day after he spoke. The minister said to move forward with an optimistic outlook, but, unfortunately, a person succumbed to Covid-19. 

The latest daily number of cases in the Nellore District was recorded between 200 and 300. Authorities were also alerted in the wake of this. Night curfew is strictly enforced in the district. 

With the increase in corona cases, people with minor symptoms are going to government hospitals. However, doctors are reluctant to admit them as inpatients due to their mild symptoms. After conducting covid tests, patients are suggested to isolate themselves at their home.

Doctors at the government hospital said, most of the patients have mild symptoms like a cold, cough. Those whose condition was alarming would be admitted to the hospital and given the necessary medication.

Reportedly some of the hospital staff are also in-home isolation with minor symptoms. There is also a shortage of staff working in the Covid wards.

 Andhra Pradesh reported 6,996 new COVID-19 infections and four deaths on Tuesday.

It was the highest single-day tally in the last 220 days (since June 13). The daily test positivity rate was also the highest in the last 236 days, at 18.38 per cent.

With a recovery rate of 97.61 percent and a death rate of 0.69 percent, the total cases and death toll have reached 21,17,384 and 14,514, respectively. 1,066 patients have recovered in the last day, bringing the overall number of recoveries to 20,66,762.

(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow https://telugu.abplive.com//amp)