The Andhra Pradesh government filed a petition in the Supreme court on Monday challenging an order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) that set aside environmental clearance granted to the Avulapalli reservoir in the state. The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear the petition On May 17, PTI reported.

The matter was mentioned before a bench of Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud and Justices PS Narasimha and JB Pardiwala by senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi, who sought an urgent hearing.

"We will list it day after tomorrow since it is a public project," the bench said as quoted by PTI.

Rohatgi said this was an extraordinary case where the NGT has set aside the environmental clearance (EC) to the reservoir.

"This is an extraordinary case. We are challenging it. This reservoir is for Rs 3000 crore and our EC has been cancelled. Monsoon is coming," Rohatgi said, Bar and Bench reported.

The NGT on May 11 had set aside the environmental clearance given by the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for the construction of the Avulapalli balancing reservoir.

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The green panel had passed the order on a plea filed by farmers against the validity of the environmental clearance.

The NGT had also imposed a penalty of Rs 100 crore on Andhra Pradesh government payable to the Krishna River Management Board within a period of three months.

"It is extremely disturbing to note that a Government Department, in gross violation of environmental laws, can go to this extent to implement an Irrigation Project by resorting to falsehood, misrepresentation and cheating the SEIAA," the NGT had said in its order, according to the PTI report.

"If a Government Department can stoop to the levels they have as in the instant case, nothing can prevent an agency with commercial gains to split the project into different phases to avoid EC or change the category," the NGT had said. 

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