Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched 'Family Doctor' scheme at Lingamguntla in Palnadu district on Thursday. Speaking at the event, the Chief Minister said that the family doctor concept will be a role model for the country and a novel initiative in the field of medical services.

The CM said that this family doctor concept is a great opportunity to provide free medication to the poor. "Through this scheme, we will provide medical services at home in the village. We will also ensure treatment at home for bedridden patients," he said.

CM Jagan said: "Our government introduced the concept of a family doctor for the benefit of the poor so that no one would go without medical care. A family doctor can assist in the early detection of diseases. Additionally, there will be CHO, ANM, and ASHA employees working at the village clinic."

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CM Jagan said the YSR Village Clinics will offer 105 different sorts of medications in addition to 14 types of medical tests. There will be maternal and paediatric medical care in addition to general medical services. He said that the government had made 936 mobile medical units (104 ambulances) specifically available for the Family Doctor scheme to provide medical care by connecting them with 10,032 YSR village clinics.

The Family Doctor scheme was introduced at the village level with two PHCs for each Mandal and two doctors in each PHC. One of these two doctors will be engaged with the PHC and provide medical services, while the other will go from door to door in the 104 mobile medical units (MMUs).

(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow