The X account of Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar’s faction of the Nationalist Congress Party has been suspended, for which the party claimed that the action was taken following a complaint by the Sharad Pawar group. After the party suffered a vertical split in July this year, the X accounts for the Ajit and Sharad faction were also separated. While @NCPSpeaks is the official X account of Sharad Pawar’s NCP group, @NCPSpeaks1 was the official X handle of the Ajit Pawar faction. 

As per an ABP Majha report, @NCPSpeaks1 has been suspended and the action has been taken due to violation of rules. The Ajit Pawar faction has said that it has informed X, earlier known as Twitter, about the same and the account will be restored by today, the report added. 

On July 2 this year, Ajit Pawar along with 29 MLAs of the NCP broke away from the party and joined hands with Shiv Sena (Eknath Shinde group) and Bharatiya Janata Party led Maharashtra government. He was sworn-in as Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra while eight other MLAs of his camp took oath as ministers in the Eknath Shinde cabinet. 

The MLAs that were sworn-in as the ministers included Hassan Mushrif, Chhagan Bhujbal, Dilip Walse Patil, Dhananjay Munde, Aditi Tatkare, Sanjay Baburao Bansode, Anil Bhaidas  Patil and Dharmarao Atram.

Recently, a buzz was rife in the political circles that Sharad Pawar and nephew Ajit Pawar held a “secret meeting” at businessman Atul Chordiya’s residence in Pune’s Koregaon Park. 

The speculations were later denied by Sharad Pawar who said it was a “family meeting”. 

Sharad Pawar’s daughter, Supriya Sule also came forward and denied any such speculations. 

“Even before my Dada’s (Ajit Pawar’s) birth, the Pawar and Chordiya families shared a good association as Mr (Atul) Chordiya’s father and Pawar Saheb were together in college. So there is nothing to be surprised if both the families meet," Sule had said.