India will celebrate its 74th Independence Day on 15 August (Saturday) and all countrymen across the country will rejoice the much cherished freedom of over seven decades which we enjoy as free citizens, post attaining freedom from the erstwhile Colonial rule of the Britishers in 1947.

Over the last seven decades, India has risen in stature and commands the respect of the world in terms of being a vibrant democracy, an economic giant, potent military power and more importantly a multi-cultural secular republic which embodies the very spirit and ethos of our constitution.

In the 21st century, India envisages a brighter future to achieve many more lofty milestones and add to the glory and saga of its age old legacy. The independence which we cherish today did not come one bit easy as many of our freedom fighters like 'Mahatama' Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose to name a few.. rallied mass national movements and shook the very foundations of the mighty British Empire to help the nation attain its freedom.

Post independence, India faced enormous challenge posed by many of its adversaries who waged wars to encroach upon what rightfully belonged to us and endanger the territorial sanctity of our nation. However, the brave and unfettered soldier of our armed forces stood their ground to weather and repulse all attacks and successfully defend every inch of our soil.

As a build up to the 74th Independence day, we pay an ode to the brave hearts of the defence forces who stand as the first line of defence in guarding and protecting the frontiers of our nation with utmost dedication and self-less duty.

The glacial heights of the ice-covered Siachen, the lofty peaks of the Himalayas do not deter his spirit one bit. When we have a sound sleep, he stands vigilant and alert day in and day out 24*7 to protect the last frontiers of our nation... The spine chilling icy winds in the tree-less desert of Ladakh does not deter his courage, the shimmering heat of the Thar desert does not hamper his morale, nor do the rain-drenches jungles in the Far East. He stays calm and composed to serve our nation and is undoubtedly our unsung hero - The Soldier.

Be them doning the Olive Greens of the Army, the Khakhis of the BSF or ITBP, the shinning whites of the Navy, they all belong to one common breed and remain steadfast in one pursuit of protecting the territorial integrity of our motherland.

Over the last seven decades, there have been many exemplary acts of his daredevil-ism and indomitable courage witnessed in the Indo-Pak Wars, 1999 Kargil conflict when the courageous soldiers of the Army charged and captured snow capped peaks, traversing sheer cliffs and rivulets and facing a barrage of enemy bullets to eventually reclaim our territory and hoist the Tri Colour on those lofty peaks.

Param Vir Chakra awardees like Arun Kheterpal, Capt Vikram Batra and Lt Manoj Pandey have become part of folklore with their legendary acts of bravery in the Battle of Basantar, Kargil .. notable among many more.

The Indian soldier dons many a roles in combat keeping only one mission in mind..As the tankman he fires at enemy targets with relentless precision, as the infantry soldier he carries out daredevil fire assaults, as the Artillery 'Gunner' he pounds the enemy with devastating mortar and howitzer shelling and as the 'Sapper' of the Engineers, he clears out well fortified enemy trenches for the troops to launch attacks ..He has turned the tide of hundreds of battles by paying the supreme sacrifice ..

The numerous acts of gallantry, conspicuous bravery and unparalleled valiance are enshrined for times immemorial and well documented and serve as a source of inspiration for many patriots and nationalists..

War memorials like the India Gate and the National War Memorial in Delhi have been built to honour and respect their sacrifices to the nation and those plaques have their name well etched in the golden annals of India's military history.

On national days like the Independence Day and Republic Day, we bow down to pay homage and remember the sheer sacrifice of this unsung hero who does not back an eyelid to defend his motherland. The inverted rifle with the baynote  pointing to the helmet placed atop at the ' Amar Jawan Jyoti' at the India Gate and now a similar structure at the National War memorial is the most apt tribute to his long living soul and spirit which stays forever.

To the soldier who forms the first line of defence, the nation always comes ahead of his own family and personal self. He does not do a routine like job but certainly performs a self-less duty setting aside all the grave personal dangers he faces every moment.

Just as when India gets 74 years old on 15 August, 2020, the nation ought to remember the valor and valiance of all those who fell in line of duty and sacrificed their present to secure our future.