The stage is set for the upcoming Triumph Tiger 800 to be launched in India tomorrow. Although the 2018 Tiger 800 houses the same three-cylinder 800cc engine as the outgoing model that produces the same power and torque numbers (95PS and 79Nm respectively), around 200 changes have been made (specifically to the engine) to make it more refined and responsive. The bikemaker has also mentioned that it has been tuned to offer quicker acceleration, courtesy a tweaked first gear ratio.

Another new update is a lighter, free-flowing exhaust system. The riding position has also been tweaked in addition to the placement of handlebars, which are now closer to the rider, offering a comfortable stance and a delightful riding experience. The saddle gets extra cushion now which should make long-distance travels easier. Also among the list of updates are features like new LED headlamps with daytime running lights, adjustable windscreen, new switchgear, TFT instrument cluster and the ‘Road Pro’ riding mode that completely switches off ABS and traction control. There is a new paint scheme on offer too. 

With all the updates, the 2018 Tiger 800 is certainly expected to command a premium over the outgoing model - we’d place our bets on a price range of Rs 11 - 15 lakh. Once launched, it will go up against the likes of the BMW F750 GS and the BMW F850 GS, priced at Rs 12.2 lakh and Rs 13.7 lakh respectively (all prices ex-showroom Delhi). 

However, there’s still no word on which variant(s) will be launched by Triumph tomorrow. In the global market, it is available in three on-road and three off-road variants while for the Indian market nothing can be said in this regard as of now. So, stay tuned to BikeDekho as we bring you the latest updates from the launch tomorrow.

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