After a spy image of the new 2018 Bajaj Pulsar 150 surfaced online last week, the bikemaker has now disclosed its prices. The new Pulsar 150 is priced at Rs 89,843 (on-road Delhi) - a rise of just Rs 2,300 over the outgoing model. Bookings for the same have also been opened.

Considering the mechanical and cosmetic changes it gets, the price hike seems to be justified. A dual-tone colour scheme, split-seat configuration, fatter forks at the front and a rear disc brake make up the list of mechanical updates. However, the bike’s bodywork, the 240mm front disc and the twin gas-charged rear shock dampers remain unchanged. 

It is expected to carry forward the same 149cc single-cylinder, air-cooled DTSi engine like the outgoing model. The power and torque output for the same is rated at 14PS at 8000rpm and 13.4Nm at 6000rpm respectively. The engine is coupled to a 5-speed transmission system.

Unfortunately, the new Pulsar 150 still doesn’t come with ABS or CBS. The Government, however, has decreed that bikes with a displacement of 125cc or more launched after April 1, 2018, must be equipped with ABS. And hence, we expect the 2018 Pulsar 150 to be launched in the next few days, most likely before the April 1 deadline.

Once launched, the Bajaj Pulsar 150 will renew its rivalry with the likes of the Honda X-Blade and the Hero Xtreme Sports in India.

Image Courtesy- Iamabiker (Facebook)

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