New Delhi: In the last 24 hours 10 Indian cities have been figured among the hottest cities in the world by the weather monitoring website El Dorado. Of the hottest regions in India, Rajasthan’s Churu, about 20km north of the state capital Jaipur, recorded the highest temperature at 50 degrees Celsius on Tuesday.

Here is the list of top 10 cities which recorded the highest temperature on Tuesday.

The region Churu, better known as the entry to the Thar desert came close to Jacobabad in Pakistan as the hottest place on Earth. This particular region in Rajasthan has recorded the highest temperature in May in the last 10 years. Earlier, Churu had seen the temperature touching 50.2 degrees Celsius on May 19, 2016, as per the local weather bureau.

Most cities are from western India including Bikaner, Ganganagar and Pilani which figured on the list. Two other regions in Rajasthan Kota and Jaisalmer also recorded temperature beyond 45 degree celsius.

While two cities from the northern Uttar Pradesh and two from Maharashtra also witnessed spike in temperature. Banda in Uttar Pradesh and Hisar in Haryana also saw temperatures soaring up to 48 degrees Celsius.

The other cities included New Delhi at 47.6 degrees celsius, Bikaner at 47.4 degrees celsius, Ganganagar at 47 degrees celsius, Jhansi at 47 degrees celsius, Pilani at 46.9 degrees Celsius, Nagpur Sonegaon at 46.8 degrees celsius and Akola 46.5 degrees celsius —both in Maharashtra.

How to beat the heat

Consume more water: It is important to stay hydrated as the heat conditions have worsened. You need to follow the popular 8 by 8 rule which stresses drinking 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day. It is important to consume as much fluid as you can to stay hydrated because you may sweat more than usual.

Consume items that help to stay cool: You can focus on a diet that helps you to stay cool. Make sure to increase more fruits such as watermelon, cucumber that can help in making you stay hydrated.

Avoid sleeping in heat conditions: Make sure that you are not sleeping in the heat as you won’t get proper sleep which will hamper your functioning. Also, wear loose clothes to avoid discomfort in the heat. Avoid black clothes as they attract more heat.Try to get a fan, cooler, or anything that can create a better condition to get sleep.

Step out only if required: Try to ensure that you remain indoors as much possible to protect from the harsh sun and venture out in the evening after the sunset.

Apply sunscreen: It is of utmost importance to ensure that you wear sunscreen whenever venturing out. It protects the skin against cancerous rays and doesn’t lead to tanning.