By Dr Abhishek Shankar

Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In India, lung cancer accounts for 5.9 % of all cancers and 8.1% of all cancer-related deaths. The prevalence of smoking in patients with lung cancer is nearly 80%.

India is the second largest consumer and third largest producer of tobacco in the world. According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016–2017), approximately 28.6 % of the Indian population uses tobacco products (42.4 % men and 14.2 % women), accounting for an estimated 267 million tobacco users in the country. As per the National Cancer Registry Programme, tobacco-related cancers constitute 27 % of all cancers for both sexes combined. The impact of tobacco consumption on health and in particular for cancer in India is enormous.

To quit smoking, you not only need to alter your behavior and cope with the withdrawal symptoms experienced from cutting out nicotine, but you also need to find other ways to manage your moods.

Here are a few tips which might help quit smoking-

1. Prepare for quit day

Once you have decided to stop smoking, you are ready to set a quit date. Choose a date for quitting smoking so that you have enough time to prepare. Try not to smoke on that day, keep yourself busy, drink more water and fluids, and avoid situations where you have a strong desire to smoke.

2. Seek behavioural support

The emotional and physical dependence on nicotine makes it difficult to stay away from it after the quit date. Counselling services, self-help materials, and support services can all help you get through this difficult time. As your physical symptoms improve, your emotional symptoms will improve as well.

3. Try Relaxation Techniques

For many people, smoking is a way to cope with stress, and fighting a tobacco craving can be stressful in and of itself. To cope, try relaxing techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualisation, massage, or listening to calming music

4. Distract Yourself while having a tobacco craving

When you have a tobacco craving, try to distract yourself; if you feel like you're about to give in, tell yourself that you must first wait 10 minutes. Then do something to divert your attention during that time when your brain is overworked. To satisfy a tobacco craving, you may be tempted to smoke only one cigarette per day. To resist a tobacco craving, chew on sugarless gum/candy or eat crunchy and healthy fruits, vegetables, or nuts.

5. Exercise daily

Go for walks, gyms, and early morning jogs to help you. Even short bursts of activity, such as running up and down the stairs a few times, can help you quit smoking. If you dislike working out on a daily basis, try meditation, sewing, art, or writing in a journal, among other things

6. Avoid Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol go hand in hand. Even if you only drink occasionally, exposing yourself to situations where you are tempted to drink alcohol too soon after quitting can be dangerous. During this time, be patient. There may come a time when you can have a drink without feeling the need to smoke, but don't expect it within the first month

There is overall reduction in number of smokers but still the greatest number of smokers are represented by people from low socioeconomic status with a smaller number of people having an access to the treatment centres. Patients who are tobacco users have shown to be less likely to receive any form of treatment for Lung cancer, whether that be chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. As there is an intersection between tobacco use, health disparities, and inequalities and lung Cancer treatment and survival, this issue needs better focus and attention to minimize disparities inequalities in access to care and outcomes for lung cancer

It may be difficult at first to curb those cravings. As the body adjusts to not having nicotine, withdrawal symptoms such as grumpiness, irritability, and headaches may occur in the first few days. However, once you stop smoking, you will notice an improvement in your health. Not only will your lung function improve, but you will also notice a reduction in the number of coughs and shortness of breath.

The author is Associate professor, Department of Radiation Oncology of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna and Member of tobacco control and smoking cessation of IASLC