Stress can arise from any number of reasons. It can be losing a close family member, separation, long term illnesses, relocating to another house or place, work related, family situations, relationship issues, financial problems, neighbourhood problems, academic pressures, exams, performance related etc. Sometimes, simple problems persisting for long durations can also lead to stress. 

In this regard, Dr. Girishchandra, who is a Sr. Consultant of Psychiatry at Aster CMI Hospital said, "Human beings have inbuilt mechanisms to handle stress. The internal mechanism of the body induces changes like producing more stress related hormones & other chemicals which is helpful for the body to manage stress. However, if the perceived stress is too much or too long for the individual, the long term effects leads to physical and psychological symptoms in the individual."

Physical Symptoms Of Stress:

Dr Samir Dwivedi, who is the Medical Director, Indian Sub-Continent, at International SOS said, "Recognizing the symptoms and warning signs of stress is paramount in the corporate wellness landscape. From persistent fatigue and increased irritability to disrupted sleep patterns and reduced productivity, stress manifests in various ways."

Additionally, Dr. Girishchandra said, "The physical symptoms can be constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, body aches, headache, exhaustion, dizziness, high blood pressure, inability to sleep, and weak immunity. This can lead to worsening of chronic illnesses, affecting prognosis and suffering."

"It can also lead to the risk of mental health problems such as feeling overwhelmed, anxiety & panic, unusual fear, constant feeling something will go wrong, decrease in food intake or overeating, alcohol consumption, illicit drug abuse disturbance, and in severe instances depression, alcohol and other illicit substance dependence and related complications," added Dr. Girishchandra.

How Stress Impacts Our Daily Life:

Dr. Annie Singh, who is an Educator, Relationship Counsellor and Writer, at Dehradun said, "The repercussions of stress and anxiety infiltrate our daily lives, impairing the very essence of our being. Interpersonal relationships strain under the weight of irritability and mood swings. Sleep disruptions lead to fatigue, hindering productivity and creativity. Altered eating habits impact nutrition and energy levels. Physical inactivity sets in, perpetuating a cycle of decline in overall health. Self-confidence wanes, limiting our willingness to engage in activities that once brought fulfilment and joy."


"From a psychological perspective, acknowledging the nexus between our mental and physical health is pivotal. Therapy offers a safe space to explore and manage stressors, develop coping mechanisms, and rebuild self-esteem. Behavioural interventions empower individuals to regain control over their thoughts and emotions, fostering resilience in the face of life's challenges. Cultivating mindfulness practices like meditation and affirmations enhances present-moment awareness, mitigating the grip of anxiety," she added.


Rising Stress Among Students And How To Deal With It  

Dr. Shradha Shejekar, who is a Consultant Psychiatrist, at Sukoon Health, Delhi said, "As the world is progressing by leaps and bounds, humans are also grappling with increasing stress to cope with the world’s progress. One of the groups of individuals who are immensely affected by this are students."

Talking about the casues of stress for students she said, "Students grapple with a multitude of stressors in today's fast-paced educational landscape. Firstly, the vast syllabus and the overwhelming array of extracurricular activities create a constant juggling act, often leading to feelings of being stretched too thin. This academic pressure is compounded by the pervasive need to excel in a highly competitive environment, where students feel compelled to outperform their peers. The wide range of opportunities available in terms of career choices paradoxically adds to their stress, as they navigate the anxiety of making the right decisions. Moreover, the omnipresence of social media exerts a digital stress burden, as students feel the need to be constantly available online, fostering a sense of restlessness and distraction."

"Simultaneously, the diminishing physical touch in relationships with friends and family leaves students longing for emotional reassurance, contributing to feelings of isolation," she added. 

She also went on to sahre some tips so that students can deal with stress:

  • To effectively combat student stress, prioritize self-awareness by identifying your academic interests, strengths, and future career aspirations.

  • Seek guidance from experienced individuals after short-listing your core interests.

  • Limit social media usage

  • Don't hesitate to talk about relationship issues that matter.

  • Engage in stress-reduction activities like exercise, games, yoga, meditation, and time management. 

Balancing Work And Life: Strategies For Reducing Stress And Achieving A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Kamana Malik, who is an Assistant Professor at Fostiima Business School said, "In today's fast-paced world, the concept of work-life balance has become more elusive than ever. The relentless demands of a competitive job market, coupled with the intricacies of personal responsibilities, often lead to excessive stress and an unsettling imbalance between our professional and personal lives. But here's the truth: achieving a healthy work-life balance is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. It's crucial for our physical and mental well-being. It's the cornerstone upon which we build a fulfilling and sustainable life."

Talking further about how to achieve a healthy work-life balance, she said the following:

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Begin by establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life. Set specific working hours and adhere to them rigorously. By doing so, you'll not only protect your personal time but also train your mind to switch between work and leisure mode more effectively.

  • Prioritize Self-Care:Dedicate time to self-care activities. Whether it's exercising, practicing meditation, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying a quiet moment with a book, self-care is non-negotiable. Treat it with the same level of commitment as you do your work obligations.

  • Learn to Say No:Understand your limitations and don't be afraid to say no. Overcommitting to work or personal obligations can quickly lead to burnout. Prioritize your tasks and responsibilities based on their importance and your capacity to handle them.

  • Master Time Management: Implement effective time management techniques to make the most of your work hours. Techniques like the Pomodoro method can help you work efficiently during your designated hours. Additionally, plan your week in advance, allocating time for both work and personal activities.

  • Delegate and Seek Help:At both work and home, recognize that you don't have to do it all alone. Delegate tasks when possible and ask for assistance from colleagues, friends, or family members when needed. Don't be hesitant to seek support; it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

  • Limit Screen Time: In our digital age, reducing screen time, especially on devices related to work, is essential. Set aside tech-free hours to connect with yourself and your loved ones. Unplugging from technology can help you unwind and reconnect with the world outside your screen.

  • Create a Support System: Regularly connect with friends and family to share experiences, seek advice, or simply enjoy each other's company. Building a support system is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Consider joining support groups or seeking professional counseling if stress becomes overwhelming.

  • Take Regular Breaks:During work hours, make it a point to take short breaks to refresh your mind. This practice not only prevents burnout but also enhances your overall productivity. And when you do take vacation days, use them to completely disconnect from work and rejuvenate.

  • Learn to Disconnect: Create a designated workspace at home to separate work from leisure. When your workday is over, shut down your computer and mentally transition to personal time. This simple act can help you maintain a clear boundary between your professional and personal lives.

  • Reflect and Adjust:Periodically assess your work-life balance and make necessary adjustments. Life is dynamic, and circumstances change. Be flexible in adapting to these changes in both your personal and professional life.

How Yoga Helps To Give Relief From Stress:

Ekta Yogesh Jain who is the Founder of Yogsar said, "When we move into asana in a correct allignment, it allows the channel to spread oxygen in the areas we are working on. It expands the breath and activates nervous system and relaxes the vagus nerve. A simple Om chanting can make thoughts to stop for a seconds and the experience of that one second, freedom from thoughts  makes are stress to calm down. Everyday practice is definately important to sustain calm mind and decrease no. of unwanted thoughts which helps to lower the stress in the mind."

How Gaming Plays A Therapeutic Role In Relieving Stress And Anxiety:

Gaming is not just entertainment; it's a powerful ally in our journey for better mental health and a medium to look at something with a different point of view. Engaging in games makes you feel calmer and relaxed, alleviates stress and anxiety, allowing you to enjoy its immersive experiences and social interactions.

In this regard, Aashish Bhatnagar, who is a Global Marketing Director at shared, "Gaming is not only about the adrenaline rush but an immersive experience that transports you to another world, a happy state of mind and soothes your senses that in turn has an impact on your emotions. A calm mind helps you think, ideate and perform contributing to higher productivity. Thus, gaming does have a positive impact on mental health and well-being."

"Gaming nurtures teamwork by providing a platform where individuals can strategize, collaborate, and overcome challenges together. In this digital era, we discover that true strength lies in our ability to complement each other's skills, promoting a sense of unity and mental well-being. Playing games offers a therapeutic escape, a place where the mind can unwind, rejuvenate, and find solace amidst the chaos of life's challenges," he added.