New Delhi: World Anaesthesia Day, also known as Ether Day in some countries, is observed annually on October 16. It commemorates the invention of anaesthesia 176 years ago, which enabled patients to endure surgical procedures without experiencing agony.

World Anaesthesia Day 2022: History

World Anaesthesia Day honours the first demonstration of anaesthesia on October 16, 1846. For the first time, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital had used ether as an anaesthetic on a patient. This was a game-changer in the area of surgery.

There have been several improvements in the 170 years since that initial anaesthetic surgery.  Yet, approximately five billion people still lack access to safe anaesthetic techniques, according to the official website of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA).

World Anaesthesia Day 2022: Significance

World Anaesthesia Day is observed to raise worldwide awareness of these ongoing concerns and to encourage public bodies and the general public to use it as an advocacy tool and to carry out the successes of the global anaesthesia community.

The WFSA marks World Anaesthesia Day each year by bringing to light a different area of anaesthesia treatment. It also helps to recognise the critical responsibilities that anesthesiologists perform in patient care.

World Anaesthesia Day 2022: Side effects of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia is extremely risk-free. Even if you have substantial health issues, you will most likely endure general anaesthesia without incident.

However, like with any drug or medical treatment, there may be some negative effects. Here's what you can anticipate.

The majority of general anaesthetic side effects occur quickly after the operation and do not stay for long. After the operation is completed and the anaesthetic medicines are discontinued, the patient will gradually awaken in the operating room or recovery room and at most likely be sluggish and disoriented.

Some of these side effects may also occur:

  1. Nausea and vomiting

  2. Dry mouth

  3. Dizziness

  4. Shivering

  5. Sore throat