New Delhi: Every year on March 8, International Women's Day is observed to honour women's contributions to society, the economy, culture, and politics while also advancing gender equity. On this day, people from all over the globe unite to celebrate the accomplishments of women and promote women's rights. 

As part of our Women's Day series, ABP Live spoke to various women from all walks of life, who shared what the day means to them. One such woman was Mahuya Das who discussed why a woman should always try to follow their passion and how she can achieve all that she wants through hard work, patience and determination.

Sharing what women's day meant to her, Mahuya said, "Women's Day, in my opinion, is a celebration of the ability of contemporary women to stand on their own two feet and perpetually strive to establish themselves. Yes, a woman may receive everything she desires from her family, just as she did in earlier days when her father or husband would provide for her needs, but the pressing need and determination I notice in modern women to carve out their own niche truly motivates me. Personally, I believe that every woman should do something for herself, anything within her capabilities, be it small or big, and become self-sufficient."

A Women Should Have Her Own Identity:

Mahuya being a strong and independent woman herself shared the importance of a woman having her own identity. She said, "A woman must always have her own identity and should be known by her name. More often than not, women are known as a wife of someone, a mother of someone or a daughter of someone, but that should not be the case."

"So, for that to be possible, every woman should do some or the other work. For instance, now that I am a makeup artist, people know me by my name and my work. Additionally, my family also feels elated to introduce me as an artist and is proud of what I do.", she further said. 

Talking about whether all women get the required support from their families to do something for themselves she said, "No, not all women are supported by their family. Even in today's time when there is so much progress, the backward mindset of not letting a woman live her dream is still there. But, then again, a woman should learn to break the barriers and move ahead. Once, she succeeds, probably then her family will also appreciate her and start supporting her."

Her Journey As A Makeup Artist:

Mahuya's journey as a makeup artist is quite interesting and motivating. She told that she had started doing it long back, but had to stop as she had a daughter to raise. Now, after so many years, when her child is all grown up she decided to start all over again.

"I was married off very young and we moved to Siliguri soon after. After having my daughter, I wanted to start working as a makeup artist. Being trained as a beautician, I opened a small parlour at home. I bought all the necessary machines and all that was required in a parlour but felt that because of my work, my daughter was getting neglected. It was then that I realised that my daughter was my first priority. That made me quit. It was painful when I had to sell all the machinery, but then again, I had a daughter to raise.", said Mahuya.

Mahuya further continued her story and said, "Today, when my daughter is all grown up, I decided to start all over again, right from scratch with both my parlour as well as a makeup artist. I am blessed to get so much support from my family, who motivate me and also appreciate my work."

There Is No Age To Learning:

Mahuya shared that now that she has started all over again, she attends training sessions with youngsters. She told, "I attend classes with people who are my daughter's age, but I don't feel ashamed of it as I believe that there is no age to learning. After all this, when people appreciate my work, it feels really nice and that motivates me to move forward."

"This is why I feel that every woman, whether she gets the support or not, should break the shackles and do something for herself and carve her niche in this world. Honestly speaking, I believe that women like me who have been housewives do not get as much importance in our homes as a working woman would get. At least, I have felt like that at times. Also, when I used to see other women do so many things, I used to feel that if they can do something in life, why can't I. So, I always had the hunger to do something of my own, which in turn motivated me to be a makeup artist all over again.", Mahuya further shared.

She also said, "There were days when I used to come back home and felt like crying aloud as I could not do my work perfectly. It was then that my daughter and husband used to motivate me. They used to tell me to keep on learning, keep on trying and that one day it would surely happen. Those little gestures were indeed comforting and I could prepare for yet another day."

Women's Safety vs Work:

Mahuya picked up a very important issue prevalent in our society, which is women's safety as at times, she too has to visit her client's home for her work and return late. On this, she said, "Yes, safety is always an issue as far as women are concerned. At times, it happens that I have to choose my safety over my work and not take a makeup project. Also, whenever, I visit a client's home, I take an assistant with me who helps me and also ensures my safety."

Adding to it she also said, "Sometimes, this can be a hindrance in a woman's life, but then again, safety is always a priority. We as women, or even as mothers of girl children, are always worried about the safety quotient. We do say that there is equality and all, but even if a boy can work till late at night without any fear, a woman always has the fear of reaching home safely."

Speaking a bit more regarding gender equality she said, "We bring up both our sons and daughters in the same way, give them equal treatment, then they should also be treated equally by the society as well. Also, we women maintain both our work as well as home which is not the case with men. Be it our parents or in-laws, we take care of them all, along with our work. So, since women are capable of so much, there should be treated equally in society as well."

In the end, she shared a message on women's day and said, "Work, find yourself and create your space in this world. Don't get lost amidst family and household chores. Do whatever you are capable of, whatever makes you happy, because that will make you feel good about yourself and you will be able to fulfil your dreams by your own means."