New Delhi: International Women's Day is observed every year on March 8. The day raises awareness of the feminist movement, gender equality concerns, rights to abortion, accomplishments of women in various disciplines, and violence and abuse directed at women. The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2023 is 'Embrace Equity', which aims to spark discussions about the reason why equal opportunities aren't enough.

As part of our Women's Day series, ABP Live spoke to various women from all walks of life, who shared what the day means to them. One such woman was Rishita Dey, a Corporate Lawyer, who shared her journey into being what she is today and also gave a message to other women who wish to walk on the same path.

Sharing what Women's Day meant to her, Rishita said, "Every day is a Women’s Day for me. We celebrate our strengths, and our weaknesses and emerge victorious. In imperfection, we find our own little perfection."

Not Just A Corporate Lawyer, But So Much More...

Talking about her journey in becoming what she is today, Rishita told that she always had the freedom to choose her career and got all the support from her family which indeed is very lucky. Because even in the present times, in some families, a woman does not get the support that she needs to fulfil her dreams. 

She said, "I always had the freedom to be what I wanted to be. So no, I never faced any challenges in finding the path rather I was always encouraged to be me first and then anything else."

Rishita is a talented woman and a multi-tasker pursuing a lot many things apart from being a corporate lawyer. She believes in living her dreams and tries out all that she dreams of.

"I would not limit calling myself just a corporate lawyer. I am a married woman, I am a travel enthusiast, I am a travel blogger, I am a writer, I am a blackbelt in Kung Fu (not as a kid but just a couple of years back), I am a record holder of the maximum number of kicks (900 in 15 mins), I am a swimmer, I am a marathon runner, I am everything I choose to be. I am me and much more.", said Rishita proving that a woman can do whatever she likes, and can follow whichever path she wants to. 

Sharing her inspiration to becoming a corporate lawyer, she added, "Funny as it may seem, initially I wanted to be a criminal lawyer. But destiny had other plans. Glamorous as it may sound that path is rather grim. So I opted for a life of a corporate lawyer and it suited me well." 


Women In The Corporate World:


In a discussion regarding the present situation of women in the corporate world, Rishita told, "We have come a long way. It wasn’t easy but it amazes me to see what women are capable of doing these days. All one needs is the determination to bring that change and always know that begins with you right now."


Talking about her profession, she said, "A lawyer never stops learning. Every day is new learning. If you are up for the game then being a corporate lawyer is the best thing that can happen. One cannot necessarily point out the pros and cons as they depend on the individual’s mindset. What is pro for me can be a con for you and vice-versa. "


Rishita also shared that as far as she was concerned, she did not face any gender biases in her profession. She jokingly said, "Who would dare that with a lawyer?? (ROLF). "No, I personally haven’t as I got the opportunity to work for international all-inclusive companies and/or teams.", she further said.


Lastly, she also gave a message on Women's Day to all the women out there. She said, "Dream before your dreams come true, for you alone have the power to turn that into your destiny."