Maintaining healthy skin is a concern for many, and for good reason. Our skin is not only the largest organ in our body, but it also plays a vital role in protecting us from external environmental factors. Physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but have you ever wondered why your skin requires different care before and after workouts? In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind the distinct skincare requirements for pre and post-workout routines from a dermatologist's point of view.

Pre-Workout Skincare:

Before embarking on any physical activity, it's crucial to prepare your skin to minimize potential damage and discomfort. Here's why pre-workout skincare matters mentioned by Dr. Kisalay Saurav who is a Dermatologist & Cosmetologist and founder of Dr. Saurav’s Skin Clinic, Bengaluru:

  • Cleansing: The starting point of any skincare routine is cleansing. Before a workout, a gentle cleanse is essential to remove dirt, excess oil, and makeup. These substances can clog pores and contribute to skin issues like acne and irritation during exercise.

  • Hydration: Pre-workout hydration is crucial for overall health, and it extends to your skin as well. Well-hydrated skin is more resilient and less prone to drying out during exercise. Drinking water helps maintain skin's elasticity and flushes out toxins.

  • Sun Protection: If your workout involves outdoor activities, sun protection is paramount. Exposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging, sunburn, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, even on cloudy days.

  • Minimize Makeup: Heavy makeup can clog pores and exacerbate sweat-related skin issues. Opt for lightweight, non-comedogenic makeup products or skip makeup altogether before a workout.

Post-Workout Skincare: 

After a strenuous workout, your skin requires a different kind of care to recover and maintain its health. In his regard, Dr. Blossom Kochhar suggested the following:

  • Cleanse your face after a workout. It helps get rid of the sweat, oil, and dirt on your face. 

  • Your hair needs a breather post your workout. So it’s important to wash it with a mild shampoo. Use a towel to dry them instead of blow drying. 

  • It is always recommended to change your clothes after your workout. Your skin releases toxins and sweat. These can clog your skin pores, which in turn leads to rashes and acne.

  • If the weather permits, try considering taking a quick shower post your workout. It helps your muscles relax and aids in better sleep. 

  • Once you are done with your workout, I would recommend using a face serum and moisturizer on your skin. This duo helps you protect and hydrate your skin. While also rendering a more youthful glow to your skin. Post this routine, you can wear your regular makeup. 

Haircare Tips Pre And Post Workout:

Priti Rajput, who is the V.P - Marketing at WOW Skin Science mentioned, "Skincare and haircare are essential elements of your pre-workout routine. Akin to the skin – the scalp also needs to be clean. Avoid oiling your hair prior to a workout and in case of an oily scalp – clean it thoroughly after the completion of the workout. In addition, the styling of the hair is equally important because it is ideal to limit movement of the hair during a workout. You can do a bun for example – as it avoids excessive tugging of the root which may lead to higher pressure on them, leading to excessive hair fall."