People can get easily infected during the monsoon, and stomach-related infections happen due to wrong eating habits. That's why you need to be cautious of what you eat. Everyone likes hot pakodas, and tea while sitting on the balcony in the rain but be careful and think before what you are eating.

A little carelessness in the diet can be harmful to your health. If you want to lose weight in this season, then you have to follow a special diet plan. You should avoid eating green leafy vegetables in this season because bacteria grows on green vegetables in the rain and it can increase your chances of getting an infection. Today we will explain how you can eat healthy during the rainy season. 

Breakfast - People usually like to eat fried roast more in this season, but you should start the day with a healthy breakfast. You can eat poha, upma, idli, toast or parathas which are tasty and keep you fit. You can also drink black tea or black coffee. 

Lunch - Our digestive system becomes vulnerable during the rainy season, so it is advisable to eat light. Instead of fried food, you can eat simple lentils, vegetables, roti, and salad. You can also take yogurt or buttermilk with food. Include plenty of vegetables and pulses in the diet.

Dinner- Dinner should always be light and even during monsoon you should stick to it. You can drink soup if you like. You can also cook oats or salted porridge . Any light vegetable like bottle gourd with 1-2 roti is a nutritious choice. Khichdi is also a good option for dinner. Don't forget to drink a glass of turmeric milk at night before going to bed. With these food options, you will boost your immunity against various infections. 

Avoid these in monsoon season

In the rainy season, eating more fried and roasted meals should be avoided. Avoid Chinese food and in addition also stay away from chaat, samosas or any kind of street food.   Green leafy vegetables should not be eaten due to the presence of moisture, dirt, and bacteria. One should not drink even packaged juice. 

Tips on food during the monsoon

1- You should eat low in fat pulses and vegetables.
2- It is essential to eat watermelon, seasonal, melon, and litchi.
3- In this season only eat light and quickly digestible food.
4- You can be vulnerable to infections in this season, so take great care of hygiene.
5- You may not feel thirsty in the monsoon but you should drink plenty of water.
6-You must eat lemon and include it in your diet in any manner.
7- There are a lot of insects in fruits and vegetables, so be careful when you cut and chop them before cooking.