Vastu Tips For Home Decoration: Vastu Shastra plays an important role in every part of the house. Vastu dosh in the house completely halts the progress of the family members, as there is discord and negativity in the house.

If small details are taken care of, the house can be free from Vastu dosh. If you take care of the Vastu shastra, the house will not only look beautiful but happiness and prosperity will also be ensured. 

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Here are things that can be used in home decorations that also help increasing wealth:

1. According to Vastu Shastra, it is good if the sofa in the drawing-room is in the southwest direction of the house and the TV in the west direction. Vastu says that the walls of the house should be painted with light colours. This is to maintain peace and increases positive energy in the home. Not only that, but the curtains of the house should also be similar to the colour of the wall. Keeping a black crystal towards the north-east direction of the house will maintain a pleasant atmosphere at home. If you want to keep a Ganesha idol in the drawing-room of the house, it is better to have a statue of Ganesha in a resting/sitting position.

2. Keeping a statue of Ganesha at the main gate of the house develops positive energy. At the same time, the main door can also have wind chimes, sun oranges, etc.

3. Things can be planted or removed according to Vastu in the bedroom of the house. The clock should not be placed on top of the head. No idol of God other than Radha-Krishna should be kept in the bedroom. Also, keep a simple bed. 

4. Place a green vase on the northeast side of the house to maintain happiness and prosperity at home. A money plant should be placed in the north direction for promotion in job or business. 

5. According to Vastu, it is considered very auspicious to install a statue of Goddess Lakshmi on the north side of the house. But one thing to keep in mind is that the picture should have Goddess Lakshmi sitting on the lotus with gold coins dropping from her hands. Putting up such a picture is likely to bring prosperity. 

6. Keeping silver, brass or copper pyramids in the house leads to growth in the house. The pyramid should be kept in a place where family members spend most of their time.

7. According to Vastu, it is also considered auspicious to put a black horseshoe at the main gate of the house. It is believed to protect against evil eye and lead to career advancement.