Strawberries naturally become a part of our three-course meal in Winters but netizens are in splits to see the delicious fruit being used in a different recipe. Recently, a Twitter user took the micro-blogging platform to share a picture of the new dish called 'Strawbiryani'. As the name implies, the dish is the usual biryani but what makes it special is the garnishing done with ripe strawberries.

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Sharing the picture of the food, Saad in a caption said, "We made “Strawbiryani” at home today and I am curious to know what desi Twitter has to say about it."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We made “Strawbiryani” at home today and I am curious to know what desi Twitter has to say about it. <a ></a></p>&mdash; Saad 🍓 (@SaadGH) <a >February 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

In no time, the picture of the 'Strawbiryani' went viral garnering thousands of reactions. Here's how the netizens reacted to the new recipe -