New Delhi: Stress is a natural part of being human, and it can serve as motivation to accomplish tasks. Even when facing high levels of stress due to severe illness, job loss, a family member's death, or a painful life event, it is still a normal aspect of life. During such times, feeling down or anxious is also within the realm of normalcy, at least temporarily.


Here are some tips for reducing stress:

  • Maintain a positive attitude and acknowledge that certain events are beyond your control.

  • Opt for a positive demeanor over an aggressive one.

  • Express your emotions, viewpoints, or beliefs without resorting to anger, defensiveness, or passivity.

  • Develop effective time management skills.

  • Establish appropriate boundaries and decline requests that could lead to excessive stress in your life.

  • Allocate time for hobbies and interests.

  • Avoid relying on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to alleviate stress, as these substances can exacerbate bodily stress.

  • Seek social support and spend sufficient time with loved ones.


Exercise: It is said that engaging in physical activity can enhance your sleep quality, which in turn aids stress management. While the exact reasons are not fully understood, individuals who exercise more frequently tend to experience better 'slow wave' deep sleep, promoting renewal of the mind and body. However, it's important to avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as it can disrupt sleep for some individuals. Furthermore, exercise often leads to reduced anxiety and improved self-esteem. When the body feels good, the mind often follows suit. You can find stress relief through exercises like:

  • Running

  • Swimming

  • Dancing

  • Cycling

  • Aerobics

Diet: The benefits of consuming healthy foods extend beyond physical health to mental well-being. A nutritious diet can mitigate the impacts of stress, strengthen the immune system, stabilize mood, and lower blood pressure. Conversely, a diet rich in added sugars and fats can have the opposite effect. Especially during times of heightened stress, junk food might appear more appealing. To maintain overall health and equilibrium, prioritize complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and essential fatty acids found in foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and nuts.

Sleep: One common repercussion of stress is difficulty falling asleep. Experiencing this issue at least three times a week for a continuous three-month period could indicate insomnia—a condition characterized by the inability to initiate and sustain sleep. Insufficient sleep can further intensify stress levels, leading to a cycle of stress and sleeplessness.

Relaxation Techniques:

  1. Yoga: While it is an exercise form, yoga also serves as a meditative practice. Various types of yoga exist, but those emphasizing slow movements, stretches, and deep breathing are particularly effective in reducing anxiety and stress.

  2. Meditation: With a history spanning over 5,000 years, meditation has endured for good reason. It offers benefits to many individuals, aiding in stress reduction and more.

  3. Deep Breathing: Practicing deep breathing activates the body's inherent relaxation response, inducing a state of deep rest that alters the body's stress response. This technique enhances oxygen supply to the brain and soothes the nervous system segment responsible for relaxation.

  4. Try abdominal breathing: Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest.


Laughter increases oxygen intake, benefiting the heart, lungs, and muscles, while prompting the release of feel-good hormones. Moreover, laughter boosts the immune system, reduces pain, and sustains elevated moods for extended durations.


Long-term talk therapy proves beneficial for managing stress in some individuals. Cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, assists in altering negative thought patterns. A therapist can guide you toward alternative strategies that might be effective.

Stress is a significant concern for both individuals and organizations, potentially leading to exhaustion when prolonged. Various approaches exist for individuals and organizations to mitigate the adverse health and work-related consequences associated with excessive stress.