Thyroid gland dysfunction can lead to problems such as goiter, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Goitre is more of a structural problem in the thyroid gland which leads to enlargement of the gland. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are caused by reduced levels of thyroid hormones and increased levels of thyroid hormones respectively. Ignoring these conditions can be sometimes lethal. 

Dr. Shrinath P Shetty, who is a Consultant Endocrinology, at KMC Hospital, Mangalore explained how this can happen.

  • Hyperthyroidism- Thyroid storm

Uncontrolled/ undiagnosed hyperthyroidism or abruptly stopping medications can lead to a thyroid storm. In this condition, every organ in our body is hyperfunctioning- which can lead to death if not recognised and treated on time. Patients can have high temperatures, loose stools, high heart rate (with palpitations), confusion, leg swelling, or generalized weakness and weight loss, etc. as presenting symptoms. This condition can also be precipitated by stress, infection, surgeries, and heart attacks.

  • Hypothyroidism- Myxedema coma

Patients who have severe hypothyroidism and are untreated can have myxedema coma. Patients generally present with leg and face swelling, slowness of speech, weight gain, generalized weakness, lethargy, and coma and need ICU care because this condition has a very high mortality rate.

  • Goitre

Although most of the goiters are benign in nature, worry about underlying cancers, is always there. Thyroid cancers can be slow-growing or rapidly growing in nature depending on the underlying cause. They can be papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic variants. Ultrasound thyroid and FNA (Fine needle aspiration) are used to assess the goiter and plan surgery. 

 What Happens If Thyroid In Chidren Is Untreated?

 Dr. Suruchi Goyal Agarwal, who is a Consultant - Paediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinology, at Manipal Hospital Varthur said, "Children of all ages including newborn babies can develop thyroid disorders. Some babies are born with a poorly functioning thyroid gland as well. Even if the newborn screen is normal, children may develop thyroid disease later in life."

"If a thyroid disorder is untreated or remains undetected for a longtime it may cause irreversible damage to the growing brain, metabolism may be affected and in rare cases can be fatal too. Hyperthyroidism if untreated can in rare instances lead to a thyroid storm which can be life-threatening -increasing heart rate and BP and the child’s temperature dangerously," she added.

Lastly, Dr. G Sandeep Reddy, who is a Senior Endocrinologist, at Kamineni Hospitals, L.B Nagar, Hyderabad concluded, "Regular monitoring of thyroid function through blood tests and seeking medical attention for any symptoms are crucial in preventing the progression of thyroid disorders. Timely intervention can help manage these conditions effectively and prevent the development of life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is imperative not to underestimate the potential lethality of thyroid disorders and to prioritize thyroid health through proactive healthcare measures."

[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]