Social connections and relationships are incredibly important for our happiness and well-being. Whether with family, friends, or colleagues, these connections bring joy and fulfilment to our lives. Having someone to talk to, share our feelings with, and rely on during difficult times gives us emotional support. This makes us feel valued and helps us handle stress and challenges more effectively.

Recent studies have shown a lifeline of wisdom, revealing that people wrapped up in strong social networks have a whopping 50% better shot at a longer, happier life than those flying solo.

Talking about this, Dr. Himani Narula, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician Director & Co-founder of Continua kids said, "The companionship and support provided by relationships contribute to overall health and well-being, thereby increasing life expectancy."

Sharing experiences, laughter, and even difficulties with others creates bonds that enrich our lives and give us a sense of purpose. Knowing that there are people who care about us and are there for us creates a sense of security and belonging.

Sachin Sandhir, CEO and Founder at GENLEAP said, "While building and maintaining social connections requires time and effort, the benefits are worth it. In today's fast-paced world, where technology often replaces face-to-face interactions, it is important to prioritise meaningful relationships to truly experience happiness and fulfilment."

Loneliness is known to have detrimental effects on the mental health of an individual like predisposing them to depression. Meaningful relationships help combat loneliness by providing companionship and opportunities for social interaction, which in turn reduces feelings of isolation.

"Engaging in enjoyable activities with friends, family, or romantic partners can bring joy and happiness. Shared experiences create lasting memories and enhance overall life satisfaction. Research has shown that strong social connections are associated with better physical health outcomes, including lower rates of chronic diseases, faster recovery from illness or surgery, and increased longevity. It helps an individual to enhance their communication skills and provide opportunities for personal growth and development," said Dr. Himani Narula.

So, here's a thought—why not give our scrolling thumbs a rest and reach out for real? Let's make that call, visit that old friend, and open our homes and hearts to new ones. It's about time we champion the cause of building and nurturing these deep bonds in our lives. They're not just the spice of life; they're its very sustenance.

Talking about this, Anish Singh, founder at All Things People said, "As we weave through the complexities of modern living, let's hold onto this simple yet profound truth with both hands: amidst the noise and the haste, it's our laughter shared, our tears wiped, and our lives intertwined with others that light up our paths with joy and satisfaction. Let's not forget, in the rush to connect online, the irreplaceable joy of truly connecting, heart to heart, with those around us."

The A-B-C-D Mantra As A Guide To Happiness

Prakriti Poddar, a Seattle-based wellbeing expert and Global Head of Mental Wellbeing at Roundglass Living app explained the A-B-C-D Mantra of happiness where each letter stands for the following:

  • Awareness of Your Agency

  • Bravery over Blame 

  • Cultivate Your Consciousness 

  • Design Your Destiny 

A — Awareness of Agency 

Happiness begins with full awareness of your agency — of being cognizant of your power to initiate, integrate, and impact the trajectory of your own life. If you are aware of your agency, you recognise that you own all your responses and reactions and that only you control how you show up in your life. As the agent of your life, you also recognise that you have the power to influence your thoughts, actions, and the consequences of them on your experience.  

B — Bravery over Blame 

When you acknowledge your agency, this leads to B — the concept of bravery over blame — which is a highly rewarding step towards happiness. As the sole agent of your life, you can use your awareness to design your reactivity and responses. Once you do, you realise you truly have no one else to blame for anything that happens to you in your life. Situations in your environment that attempt to pull you down or lower your happiness quotient are only as effective as your ability to transcend them. The ability to transcend those situations comes from understanding that you need bravery to walk the path you construct for yourself. 

C — Cultivate Your Consciousness 

However, it doesn’t work to stumble half-asleep along the path you’ve charted for yourself. You must cultivate your consciousness, which means you must be fully awake and aware in every moment. If you struggle with this, it’s time to return to the awareness of your agency and to find the bravery necessary to own it in the face of the challenges that come at you.  

D — Design Your Destiny 

Whatever it is that you face in your life, you alone must decide what adds to your conscious development and what subtracts from it. If you commit consciously to keeping the good and leaving the bad, you come to the next step to happiness — what I call ‘designing your destiny.’ When you design your destiny, you can achieve happiness in infinite abundance. Ultimately, designing your destiny brings together steps A, B, and C to deliver on the choices you made while guided by your values and aspirations.