Happy Durga Puja 2022 Wishes: It's Mahashtami today. It's an important day of the Durga Puja festival, which is being celebrated with much enthusiasm across the country after two Covid years that saw subdued festivities.


Why Is Ashtami A Special Day?

Ashtami is considered a very auspicious day. On this day, devotees believe Goddess Kali appeared from Maa Durga's forehead to kill demons Chanda, Munda, and Raktabeeja. The three demons were said to be associates of the buffalo-headed demon king Mahishasura.

People wake up early and reach pandals at a specified time to offer pushpanjali (floral offering), also called 'anjali' in short. While pushpanjali is offered on Saptami and Navami also, the Mahashtami anjali is usually offered by the most. It is mandatory for the devotees to fast until the floral offering, which is done in three ounds along with chanting of mantras that they repeat after the priests performing the rites and rituals associated with the puja. 

Sandhi Puja is another important Mahashtami ritual, which is done at the hour when Ashtami tithi ends and Navami begins. This puja, marked with a yajna, takes place at a specified time according to panchang, which can even be at midnight. This is the reason Ashtami and Navami fall on the same day at times.  

Sandhikshan (the moment of 'sandhi' or when the tithis meet) is considered to be auspicious as the idol of Durga gets 'praana' or life at this hour. Traditionally, 108 lamps are lit and 108 lotus flowers are offered to the Goddess during the Sandhikshan.

Shubho Mahashtami Wishes 

1. Shubho Ashtami! Keep us in your prayers this Durga Puja

2. May this Durga Puja bring happiness, success and prosperity in your life. Happy Ashtami 2022

3. Shubho Mahashtami! May Mother Goddess always protect and guide you all. Happy Durga Puja 2022

4. Here's wishing you health, wealth and success. May Maa Durga give you all the happiness you seek. Shubho Ashtami 2022

5. Shubho Mahashtami! May Mother Durga take away all your woes and foes, and give you the strength to fight all evils. Happy Durga Puja

Shubho Mahashtami Images

Wishing you all a happy Durga Puja 2022 | Photo: Pixabay


Happy Durga Puja 2022 | Photo: Pixabay


Durga Puja wishes on Mahashtami | Photo: Pixabay