New Delhi: Mahalaya has a special significance for Hindus, especially Bengalis as it marks the end of ‘Pitripaksha’, 16 days when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga begins her journey from Mount Kailash - where she resides with her husband Lord Shiva - to her paternal home on Earth.

‘Mahalaya’ is marked on the last day of ‘Krishnapaksha’, the dark fortnight of the month of Ashwin, according to the Hindu calendar. This year, Mahalaya is on September 25, while the Durga Puja will be celebrated from October 1 to October 5. On the day of Mahalaya, Bengali households are known to wake up at the crack of dawn to listen to the Mahishasuramardini composition by tuning into Akashvani or All India Radio. People offer prayers to the departed souls of their ancestors and give 'bhog' to the Brahmins. Some offer prayers and make offerings at the banks of the river Ganga. 

Quotes and Wishes To Share With Family And Friends On Shubho Mahalaya

  • As we await the arrival of Mother Goddess Durga from her heavenly abode, here's wishing you a very blissful Mahalaya.
  • May Maa Durga’s blessings remove all obstacles from your life as she removes the darkness from the universe on this auspicious day.
  • May this Durga Puja bring joy and prosperity to all aspects of your life! Shubho Mahalaya.
  • May Maa Durga’s homecoming fill Earth with new hope and joy, this Mahalaya!  
  • May the day amply removes all worries from your life, and give you strength to face every strife. Shubho Mahalaya!
  • As Pitru Paksha ends today, let us all gear up to welcome Maa Durga. May the blessings of the Mother Goddess always be with each of us. Shubho Mahalaya! 
  • Shubho Mahalaya. May the arrival of Maa Durga erase all our miseries, and may we be showered with her choicest blessings. Dugga Dugga.
  • Shubho Mahalaya to everyone. Let us all begin the preparations to welcome Maa Durga amid the beating of the dhak and the fragrance of the dhunuchi.