In today's fast-paced world, parents often seek convenient ways to ensure their children receive the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Health drinks marketed for children have become increasingly popular for this purpose. While these products promise numerous benefits, it is essential for parents to make well-versed decisions when choosing health drinks for their little ones.

Should All Children Have Health Drinks?

Children need a nutritious, well-balanced diet that includes items from all the food groups so they can acquire a variety of nutrients that will keep them healthy. It can be difficult to make children eat a balanced and nutritious meal as children can be picky and fussy eaters and might not like all kinds of food. Also, children tend to enjoy foods high in fat, sugar, and salt like chips, chocolates, cakes, and soft drinks or other processed and canned foods which may unfortunately develop nutritional deficiencies. Lack of balanced diet that contains adequate fresh and whole foods puts kids at risk for long-term health issues.

In this regard, Dr. Nishant Bansal , who is a Consultant -Paediatrician & Neonatologist, at Motherhood Hospitals, Noida said, "It may be adviseable to turn to health drinks if your child is above the age of 2 years old and is a picky eater or you believe that he or she is not receiving the right amount of nutrition, only after consulting a doctor."

"Also, kids who participate in sports, engage in a lot of physical activity, and need an energy boost might need to supplement their meal with a health drink," he added.

Dr. Nishant also said that while health drinks are prepared from ingredients found in food like milk, cereals and are enriched with vitamins and minerals, it is important to know that they also contain added flavours and preservatives.

"Health drinks can never be a substitute to a balanced home cooked meal. It is only a temporary substitute if your kid isn't eating enough on a regular basis and has calorie and nutrient deficit. Some brands recommend health drinks can be consumed till the age of 12. I would suggest not giving health drinks to children over the age of 5. Consult a peditrician before you start including health drinks to understand if your child really needs it and in what amount. Additionally it is also important that your child doesn't get habitituated with the health drink and there shouldn’t be a primary dependency on these drinks. Given that these health drinks do contain preservatives, sugar and added flavours, long term use of these drinks is not recommended," he added.

Know The Purpose Before Picking Up A Health Drink:

Dr. Divya Singh, who is a Senior Surgeon, at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Director of Maaiya Social Change Front Foundation said that different nutritional supplement drinks may have different objectives. Pick the option that best fits your child’s requirements. 

She said, "Many nutritional drinks are available to help people gain weight, while others are available to keep underweight children from losing weight. For instance, some foods are formulated to have a high caloric content per serving, which is highly useful for children who are at risk for malnutrition. Others are developed with fewer calories but more protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals to help fill in nutritional gaps in their diet – as more of a nutrition sidekick. These products are manufactured to just provide more protein."

Things To Keep In Mind Before Purchasing Health Drinks For Children

Dr. Divya listed down some crucial parameters to be considered before purchasing health drinks for children:

1. Nutritional Content: The foremost consideration should be the nutritional content of the health drink. Check the first ingredient listed, which is typically the primary ingredient. In general, components are arranged in decreasing order of their percentage composition in the final product. Examine the label to ensure it provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for your child's age and dietary needs. Key nutrients to look for include calcium, vitamin D, iron, and protein.

2. Added and Hidden Sugars: Be vigilant about the sugar content in health drinks. High sugar intake can lead to various health issues, including obesity and dental problems. It can be done by examining the placement of sugar in the list of ingredients – It's preferable if sugar appears towards the latter part of the list. Keep an eye on hidden sugar and familiarize yourself with different names of sugar, as there are over 63 other names for sugar used to notify sugar content. Opt for products with little or no added sugars and avoid those containing artificial sweeteners.

3. Preservatives and Allergens: Choose the drink with fewer ingredients as they indicate the addition of less number of preservatives and other chemicals. Also, check for potential allergens in the ingredients list, such as nuts, dairy, or soy, if your child has known allergies. Ensure the product is safe for your child to consume.

4. Age-Appropriateness: Different health drinks are formulated for specific age groups. Make sure to select a product that is suitable for your child's age and developmental stage. What may benefit a teenager might not be ideal for a toddler.

5. Safety and Quality: Research the brand's reputation and manufacturing practices. Look for certifications or quality seals that indicate safety and quality standards adherence. It's essential to trust the source of the health drink you choose for your child.

6. Taste Preferences: Children can be quite particular about taste. While a health drink may be nutritious, it's equally important that your child enjoys drinking it. Consider your child's taste preferences to ensure they willingly consume the product.

7. Price and Affordability: Evaluate the cost of the health drink, as some products can be expensive. However, remember that price does not always equate to quality. Look for affordable options that meet your child's nutritional requirements.

8. Consult a Physician: When in doubt, seek guidance from your child's pediatrician or a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your child's specific health needs.

Lastly, Hermann Arora, who is the Founder, NuNectar said, "To realise their true growth potential, children require a wholesome and a balanced nutritional intake every single day that contains both macro and micronutrients like essential vitamins and minerals. However, as a parent and a doting mom, I can tell you how difficult it is to ensure this. Children are often fussy when it comes to nutritious foods or even drinking milk. Therefore, adding a powder that is genuinely nutritious, delicious and doesn't contain any junk, into the milk helps support the wholesome nutritional intake in every kid. Hence, I would advocate health drinks to all children as a supplement to a healthy diet."

[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]