Shami Plant worship: The importance of the Shami tree has been cited in Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas. It is also related to Lord Ram and the Pandavas. Shami wood is used in special prayer rituals. It is a religious belief that worshipping the Shami tree reduces the ill effects of Shani (Saturn). Doing so can help pacify the Shani planet. According to the religious texts prevalent in Hinduism, an individual who is under the influence of Shani should plant this tree in their house. They should worship the tree on a regular basis. Let us know the religious significance of the Shami tree.
Worshipping the Shami Tree Could Help To Reduce the Ill Effects of Shani (Saturn)
Hindu religious texts cite two trees that help reduce the effect of Shani. The Shami tree and the Peepal tree. It is believed that worshiping these two trees can reduce the effect of Shani. To avoid the ill effects of Shani, a person should plant a Shami tree around his house. Every Saturday, a mustard oil lamp should be lit under the Shami tree. Apart from this, the ill effects of Shani can also be pacified by using the flowers and leaves of the Shami tree. It is believed that planting a Shami tree in the house helps prevent negative energy and the effects of black magic.
The Religious Significance of the Shami Tree
The importance of Shami tree is also mentioned in Ramayana. According to Ramayana, Lord Ram had performed a prayer in the presence of a Shami tree before declaring a war on Lanka. Similarly, according to the Mahabharata, when Arjuna assumed the form of Brihannala during his exile, he hid his divine Gandiva bow on a Shami tree. Shami leaves are also used in the worship of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Durga.