New Delhi: Sawan or Shravan month has begun and it is considered to be the most auspicious month for the worshippers of Lord Shiva. It is believed that all wishes are fulfilled by worshipping Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati on a Monday falling in Sawan. The first Monday of Sawan is over. Now, Shiva devotees are waiting for the second Monday of Sawan month.

According to the Panchang, the second Monday of Sawan is on July 25, 2022. This day will be the date of Dwadashi of Krishna Paksha of Shravan month. The special thing is that on this day Kamika Ekadashi fast will be broken. Mrigashira Nakshatra will remain on the second Monday of Sawan. On this day, the sunrise will be at 5:38 am, while the sunset will be at 7:16 pm. On this day, the Moon will remain in Taurus for 11:33 in the morning, after which it will enter Gemini.

ALSO READ: Sawan 2022: Month Dedicated To Lord Shiva — All You Need To Know

By worshipping Lord Shiva on this day, one gets freedom from all the troubles and it brings happiness and prosperity in life.

According to scriptures, after giving up her life, Goddess Sati was reborn as Maa Parvati. In order to get Lord Shiva as her husband again, Maa Parvati did hard penance for many years by fasting on a Sawan Monday. As a result, Goddess Parvati got married to Lord Shiva. It is believed that fasting is very fruitful to get a suitable life partner.