Sawan Month Start Date 2021 Shravan Maas End Date: According to the Hindu calendar, the month of Sawan is the fifth month of the Hindu month. According to the Hindu calendar, the month of Sawan will start from July 25, 2021, and will end on August 22, 2021. There will be a total of four Mondays in this month. This entire month is considered to be the best month to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is believed that during this month all the wishes of the devotee, who worships Lord Shiva with devotion, are fulfilled. The month of Sawan is dedicated to Lord Shiva. That is why Shiva devotees bring kanwar and anoint Shiva with Ganga water filled in that kanwar.  

Sawan Monday fast

In Hinduism, every Monday that falls in the month of Shravan has a special significance. During the month of Sawan, the devotees keep the fast on Mondays to fulfil their prayers.   It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva by fasting throughout the day on Monday fulfils all the wishes of Shiva devotees. There will be 4 Mondays in this month which are as follows.

  1. First Shravan Monday Fast- 26 July, 2021, Monday

  2. Second Shravan Monday Fast- 2 August, 2021, Monday

  3. Third Shravan Monday Fast- 9 August, 2021, Monday

  4. Fourth Shravan Monday Fast-16 August, 2021, Monday

Monsoon Monday Fast - Prayers on Skanda Shashthi

People who observe fast on Sawan Monday, usually take a bath early in the morning and undergo fasting by remembering Lord Shiva. Devotees then place idols of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati at their prayer house and worship them. After that, offer them Bel leaves, flowers, Datura, then light lamps and incense sticks in front of the idols. Chant Om Namah Shivaya Mantra. Offer sixteen makeup items to Mother Parvati. It is believed that Ketaki flowers and Tulsi leaves should not be offered to Lord Shiva. At the end of the prayer recite Shiva Chalisa and the offer aarti.