Wholesome plant-based foods offer a remarkably satisfying experience, providing a diverse range of flavours, textures, and essential nutrients that not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute to your overall well-being. When you opt for nourishing plant-based choices like vibrant, colourful vegetables, protein-rich legumes such as chickpeas and lentils, an assortment of nuts including almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds, and whole grains like oats and brown rice, you're not merely tantalizing your taste buds; you're gifting your body vibrant health and lasting vitality.

These foods are often abundant in dietary fibre, promoting a sense of fullness and contentment. Moreover, they are packed with crucial nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fats, making them a nourishing choice. Therefore, it's important to savour the goodness of plant-based delights and prioritise nourishing your body from the inside out.

Plant-Based Snacks That Keep Cravings At Bay:

Dr. Manoj Vithlani, who is a Sr. Consultant physician & diabetologist, at HCG Hospitals, Ahmedabad said, "Most people have that craving or hunger to eat something in the evening and this is the time when most diet failure happens. This is because the Indian households usually snack with pakodas, tikkis, burger, pizza, kulcha, cheese sandwich etc. Whenever anything is consumed that is high in saturated fat or sugar, rather than curbing the cravings, it enhances them. End result is people tend to eat more than needed. Whenever we eat anything containing more protein, healthy fats of fibre, they give satiety for a longer time and also give healthy nutrients to the body."

In this regard, Dietician Garima Goyal suggested some snacks that can help you keep cravings at bay 

Roasted chana - This is one of the easiest yet healthiest snack that gives the best nutrients to the body. Roasted chana are protein rich superfoods. When the chana are heated on a low flame, their crispiness and freshness is retained. When eating them, their crunchy texture is worth binging for. They are one of the best option for complete nutrition as they have an ideal combination of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. They help to keep the sugar levels maintained and benefit to keep lesser cravings. The high fibre content in chana keeps a person fuller for a longer time too. Also a diabetic can safely consume roasted chanas as they have a low glycemic index of 28.

Makhanas - Makhanas or foxnuts when well roasted are a great snack to munch on.   You can even add flavourings to them while roasting. Season it with salt and pepper or powdered mint or oregano and chilli flakes. For those on weight loss journey, this snack is definitely a must try. They are low in sodium so those with the problem of hypertension can safely use it. Also they are famous for their calcium content, thus aiding healthy bones and teeth. It has everything to keep a person satiated for a longer time, along with giving a heavenly taste.

Peanuts - They are a great option to consume during the snack time. Having unsalted peanuts in moderation works as a great strategy for snacking as it has healthy fats, the prominent one being an unsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid. Also they give a boost to energy levels and wake you up from an afternoon slumber. This is because of the high protein levels in peanuts, which also aid in building and repairing of the muscles. Because of their low glycemic index, they also don't shoot up the blood sugar levels suddenly. So whenever having hunger pangs, switching to peanuts rather than fried or sugary snack is anytime better as their richness of protein, fat and fibre helps to keep a person fuller for a longer time.

Khakhra - Khakhra is a crispy and crunchy low calorie snack. Its richness of fibre and protein makes it a great snack to lose weight too. These can be made from whole wheat flour and are baked rather than fried.

Handful of almonds - Snacking on almonds has shown to improve appetite regulating hormones. They come handy with protein, healthy fats and help curb hunger pangs. 

So rather than indulging in unhealthy snacks, shift to healthy snacking and enjoy their taste along with nutrients.

Healthy Plant Based Food Items To Munch On When You Have Diabetes

Shilpa Joshi, who is the Head of Metabolic Nutrition, at Fitterfly said, "For those with diabetes, it is important to choose healthy plant-based snacks. These can help stabilize blood sugar levels and maintain overall well-being."

Here are some nutritious options to munch on suggested by her:

  • Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios): Rich in healthy fats, fibre, and protein, nuts can help control blood sugar and keep you feeling full. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Chickpeas (Channa): These legumes are a great source of protein and fibre, making them a satisfying snack. Roasted chickpeas or homemade hummus are excellent options.

  • Seeds (Flax, Chia, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Sesame): Seeds are packed with fibre, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. Sprinkle them on salads, yoghurt, or blend them into smoothies for added nutrition.

  • Peanuts: A handful of peanuts can be a satisfying snack due to their protein and healthy fat content. Opt for unsalted or lightly salted varieties to avoid excess sodium.

  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are low in sugar and high in antioxidants, making them a diabetes-friendly choice.

"Remember to monitor your portion sizes and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to create a personalised diabetes management plan that suits your specific needs. These wholesome plant-based snacks can be a delicious and nutritious part of your daily routine while helping you keep your blood sugar levels in check," she added.