New Delhi: Guru Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated on February 16, across the nation as he was born on Magha Purnima (full moon day in the month of Magh) as per the Hindu calendar. He was born in 1377 C.E. at Manduadih in Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Guru Ravidas was an Indian mystic, poet, social reformer and spiritual guru.

He made many contributions to the Bhakti movement through his spiritual teachings, verses, songs. He also wrote 40 poems in the Adi Granth, which is the sacred scripture of Sikhism. On this day a large number of followers of Sant Ravidas gather at his birthplace and perform Bhajan Kirtan.

His parents were tanners. Sant Ravidas was a very religious person he later adopted his ancestral work for livelihood but remained very religious.

ALSO READ: Ravidas Jayanti 2022: PM Modi To Visit Ravidas Vishram Dham Temple In Delhi Today

Inspirational quotes by Guru Ravidas:

  • A person is not big or small by status or birth, he is weighed by his virtues or deeds.

  • They say that we all think that the world is everything, but this is not true. God is the only truth.

  • God resides in those hearts in which there is no hatred towards anyone, there is no greed or malice.

  • Sant Ravidas has said that one should not be proud. Do not despise others. You cannot do the same work they are capable of doing.

  • This experience is such,

    that it defies all description.

    I have met the Lord,

    Who can cause me harm?

    Hari in everything, everything in Hari –

    For him who knows Hari and the sense of self,

    no other testimony is needed:

    the knower is absorbed.

  • Moh-maaya mein phansa jeev bhatakata rahata hai. Iss maaya ko banaane vaala hee muktee daata hai.