Sam Smith was the cover star of the latest issue of a magazine earlier this month, with the theme of their photoshoot being body autonomy. Smith has previously spoken publicly about their struggles with weight and body image. Today, the singer has published new images from their latest photoshoot for the magazine, reigniting the discussion over fatphobia and body diversity, with some social media users accusing the singer of 'seeking attention,' while others wished to see the 'old Sam' return. Some supported the photoshoot, calling it extremely iconic.

Sam took to Instagram on Tuesday to post their most recent images. Someone commented on Sam's photos from the latest Perfect magazine photoshoot, saying, "I don’t understand the concept? How is this art?  Cutting off blood circulation for a photoshoot isn’t a positive message to send out.  I don't care about their weight or appearance because all bodies are wonderful, but wear something that fits you. Fitting into clothes that is two sizes too small is not healthy. There are other ways to get people's attention, and this isn't one of them." "Where's the old Sam?" said another Instagram user. "I am obsessed," singer Demi Lovato said. "Extremely iconic," one commenter added.

Meanwhile, a Twitter user uploaded images from Sam's photoshoot and wrote, "The big lie is gender identity and believing that men can become women and vice versa." "Show business is growing nastier and nastier, the level of degradation is increasing," said another. "Sam Smith is a terrible role model... how could anyone look up to this?" said another. "Wokeness destroys people," another tweeted with Sam's photographs.

Earlier this month, a group of spectators chastised Sam Smith for singing their song Unholy at the Grammys 2023. During his performance alongside singer Kim Petras, Smith donned a pair of devil horns. Madonna, who lauded the duo for their "subversiveness," introduced their performance.

Gloria, Sam Smith's fourth album, was released last month. The album also includes the songs Love Me More, Gimme, and I'm Not Here to Make Friends, in addition to Unholy. Sam appears topless on the cover of their album Gloria, as well as in the video for their song I'm Not Here to Make Friends, wearing a corset and bejewelled slacks.