Oxford University Press (OUP) has declared 'Rizz' as the Word of the Year for 2023, joining the ranks of previously selected terms like Vax and Climate Emergency. The decision comes after a thorough selection process, with Rizz emerging triumphant over words like Situationship, Prompt, De-influencing, and Swiftie.

What Does 'Rizz' Mean?

So, what exactly is Rizz? According to OUP, Rizz encompasses style, charm, attractiveness, and the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner. Many believe it to be a condensed form of the word "charisma." The term has gained popularity on social media, particularly among internet users describing individuals with a certain level of "game" or charisma.

This victory for Rizz reflects a shift from last year's choice, 'Goblin Mode,' signifying a change in the prevailing mood. Casper Grathwohl, President of Oxford Languages, notes that the selection of Rizz may be indicative of a 2023 mood where people are opening up and finding confidence after challenging times.

How Oxford University Press Selects 'Word Of The Year'? 

The process of choosing the Word of the Year involves analysing evidence of usage from a vast corpus of over 22 billion words, sourced from global news outlets. However, OUP has recently introduced public participation, allowing word enthusiasts worldwide to contribute their thoughts. Over 30,000 participants helped refine a shortlist of eight words before Rizz emerged as the final choice.

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Rizz stands out as an interesting example of how language evolves within communities, particularly among younger generations. The term reflects the influence of Gen Z on language, as they create and define expressions that resonate with their perspectives and lifestyle choices. The Oxford Word of the Year serves not only as a linguistic highlight but also as a window into societal shifts and emerging cultural dynamics.