Today is 'Son of India' actor Pragya Jaiswal's birthday! On this occasion, let us have a peek into her fabulous fashion moments. Known for her amazing style, Pragya has rocked some unforgettable looks. As we raise a toast to Pragya Jaiswal on her special day, let her fashion prowess inspire us to embrace bold choices and celebrate our unique style. Here are 6 times she wowed us with her ultimate fashion diva vibes. 

1. Pragya mesmerises her fans in a riveting red ruched corset dress, showcasing her sensual style that exudes confidence and glamour.

2. Taking a daring fashion leap, Pragya stuns in a white oversized blazer paired with pants, adorned with a statement layered necklace that accentuates her bold and fearless fashion choices.

3. Dressed in a shimmery black sheer saree, Pragya proves that sultry and chic can coexist, setting a new standard for elegance in ethnic wear.

4. Embracing earthy hues of green and brown, Pragya mesmerizes in a three-piece coordinated set, effortlessly blending sophistication with a touch of natural allure.

5. Pragya Jaiswal sets the fashion scene ablaze in a riveting golden shimmery floor-length gown. The gown effortlessly drapes her silhouette, accentuating her poise and glamour. With a flawless blend of sophistication and allure, Pragya showcases her fashion prowess in this breathtaking ensemble that radiates timeless elegance.

6. Embracing the essence of contemporary royalty, Pragya Jaiswal stuns in a shimmery ombre blue lehenga paired with a deep-necked top. The intricately designed lehenga boasts a perfect fusion of tradition and modernity, showcasing Pragya's impeccable taste in fashion.

Happy Birthday, Pragya!